This is my favorite page. It is clean.

The clean page reminds me of how Jesus makes us when he forgives and

cleans all our sins away.


If you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the punishment for

your sins, and you receive Him into our life (ask Jesus to be in

control of your life and to help you to live the way God wants,

instead of the way you want, He will forgive ALL of your sins, and

make you His child.


The Bible says in John 1:12 "But to them that RECEIVED Him, to them

that BELIEVED in His name, He gave the right to become CHILDREN OF GOD."


It also says in the Bible: "If you confess with your mouth : Jesus is

Lord (your "boss"), and believe in your heart that God raised Him from

the dead, you will be saved."


You can become a child of God right now.


You can just talk to God, out loud or in your head - He can always

hear you, because He is everywhere.


Tell Him in your own words that: know that you are a sinner and have disobeyed Him are sorry for your sins and want to live the way He wants you to. believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the punishment for your sins, and that He came alive again. Thank Him for dying for you.

4.Ask Jesus to come into your life and make you His child, and from now on, to help you to do what makes Him happy, instead of bad things.

(Remember: It is not the words that save you. God knows what

your really thinking, and if you really mean it.

* *

If you just talked to God and received Him into your life, what does \

John 1:12 tell you that you are?


But to them that RECEIVED Him, to them that BELIEVED on His name,

He gave the right to become CHILDREN OF GOD.

* Once you are God's child you will always be His child (just like

you'll always be your Mom & Dad's child). NOTHING you can do can make

God ever love you less.


Hebrews 13:5 says : "I will NEVER leave you.

* *

If you have just prayed this prayer, or you have any other questions

about how you can be a child of God and know that you are going to

heaven, Please send me an E-mail message to let me know. I PROMISE

I will answer you. Click on my address below to send me a message.

Click on the address below to send E-mail to me:

THERE'S    MORE    :    DON'T    GO    AWAY!


Even Children of God still do bad things. We try hard to do what

makes God happy, but sometimes we get selfish and want to do things

our way. The Bible promises that if you confess your sins to God.

(Tattle on yourself and admit to God that you did something wrong

and are sorry), that He will FORGIVE you. - Every time.


1 John 1:9 "If we CONFESS our sins He is faithful and just to FORGIVE

us our sins and to CLEAN US from all unrighteousness (sins)"


You don't have to keep asking God back into your life every time you

sin; just like you don't have to start over and become your Mom's baby

again every time you disobey your parents. Just asking God to forgive

you and help you do better is all that you need to do.



If you are now a child of God, you need to get to know Him; and learn

what He wants you to do.


Click on the green line to learn how to get to know God


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