Welcome to Sparky's Book Place. This is a branch of sparkyville but also functions as a self-contained unit. If you are a tripod member, this page is a part of the happy little booktalk pod. You can visit it for more book pages. If you're not a tripod memeber, you should be! (They gave me the space to put up this webpage. Thank you Tripod!) Whoever you are, welcome to my book pages. I hope you enjoy them.

Sparky's Books & Other Writings

If you're looking for good books, check out my book menu.
For actual stuff to read (some by me, some by my friends, some by famous authors), try the Writings Page.
Want rants? Check out Sparky's Brain.
For funky artwork, you can look at my drawings or my comics.

booklists | writings | my comics | sparkyville

This page created by Sparky ( kumquat37@hotmail.com )