
hi deviants! glad you could make it! this little page is for those random thoughts that spring into my fuzzy head that i don't want to write a full rant about, but which need a home too.

10/14/98: I've discovered that a lot of people don't know how to knit. This surprised me, since it's one of those random skills I thought women just learned early in life. But I guess it's not consistent with the image of a "liberated 90's woman".
10/14/98: Aced my first math test of the year. (As in, no mistakes 100% perfect.) Praise the goddess! I'm so proud of myself. I think my saving grace is that I'm clever about figuring things out. Like a raccoon, only my cleverness extends to number manipulation as well as physical things. It's nice, because it means a little knowledge goes a long way.
10/14/98: I feel like I'm running a beta version of reality.
10/13/98: I have grown up in a cynical world, and it's made me a cynical person. I don't believe in anything; I question everything.
10/13/98: New Jersey: why is it called the Garden State? For the most part, New Jersey is the armpit of the east coast.
10/13/98: I wonder if I appreciate what I have as much as I should.
10/13/98: I always put the return address on my letters.
10/12/98: My mother taught me not to go to bed angry. I think it's become a habit somewhere along the line. I always feel the need to make things okay before the end of the conversation, kinda like the happy wrap-up at the end of a half-hour TV show.
10/12/98: On the expression "toy with someone's emotions": Emotions are way too volatile to make a good toy. But I guess to some people, danger is a thrill.
10/12/98: I used to watch "Murder, She Wrote" a lot as a kid. I never watched the "cool" shows, like "Melrose Place" or "90210" or "Friends". I always watched dorky, old lady-ish shows like "Murder, She Wrote" and "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" and "Matlock".
10/12/98: For a while in high school, I forgot that pot was illegal. It's just that it's so ubiquitous - everyone either has it, or has friends who have it, or know where they can get it. Even I knew how to get it, if I had wanted it. Then one day I was thinking about some potheads, and it struck me - pot is illegal. The government is doing a terrible job at eradicating this "menace". I'm not impressed.
10/12/98: I walked by a church today. The signboard outside said:


When I first looked at it, I thought it was misspelled. Then I realized, I'm used to the pop culture spelling: "Greatful Dead". I don't even listen to the Greatful Dead.

What a world.

10/12/98: Sometimes I wonder how smart I am in comparison to the rest of the world. But I think there are too many variables to make calculating such a thing mathematically practical - areas of talent, work ethic, motivation... Also, I think it doesn't really matter.
09/30/98: I like the word rubbish.
09/30/98: Chai Tea is the BEST! especially with foamy milk mixed in.
09/30/98: i revel in my pudginess.
09/23/98: I have great pen-holding ears. They're just the perfect size and shape. Even now that i have virtually no hair, i can ride my bike with a pencil up there and it won't fall! I didn't appreciate this gift until recently when I realized not all people could do it.

Groovy, baby.

09/22/98: from The Wanderer:

"I know indeed that it is a fine custom for a man to lock tight his heart's coffer, keep closed the hoard-case of his mind, whatever his thoughts may be. Words of a weary heart may not withstand fate, nor those of an angry spirit bring help."

"No man may indeed become wise before he has had his share of winters in this world's kingdom. The wise man must be patient, must never be too hot-headed, nor too hasty of speech, nor too fearful, nor too glad, nor too greedy for wealth, nor ever too eager to boast before he has thought clearly."

09/22/98: my Fortune Cookie Fortunes:
  • You may have to be patient now - think, listen, and heed signs.
  • You have a curious smile and a mysterious nature.
09/22/98: Not original, but still amusing:
"Buses stop at bus stations, and trains stop at train stations. I have a work station on my desk..."
09/22/98: The idea of pheromones is sort of weirdly scary. The idea that little bio-thingies fly off of my body and hit other people and this tells their body things about me... Maybe i should look into this a little more.
09/22/98: How come women are so much nicer than men to look at naked? Maybe because we don't have external genitalia.
09/22/98: Why does the Judeo-Christian God always exact vengeance not only on the guy who did wrong but on his descendants out to the seven-times-seventh generation? I mean, c'mon, would you like to be punished for something your great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great- great-great-great-great grandfather did? i sure wouldn't.
07/29-08/01 for earlier Ruminations, see my work thoughts.

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