"Jims Atlantic Giant Pumpkin Page !!!"

Pumpkin Links

World Class Giant Pumpkins:
Atlantic Giant Pumpkins:
Gourds By Jeanie:
Howard Dill's Giant Pumpkins:
Pumpkin Flower:
The Pumpkin Nook:
Pumpkin Mailing List:
Pumpkin Mailing List Archives:
Photo Gallery:
1998 Pumpkin Pictures:
P & P Giant Variety Seeds:
The Pumpkin Master:
Pumpkin Weight Estimator:

"Get Your copy of"

How-To-Grow World Class Giant Pumpkins


How-To-Grow World Class Giant Pumpkins II

By "Don Langevin"

"click here" Don Langevin

Other Books

Gardening Books Online:

Other Links

1998 Fishing Opener: "Walleyes"
Hot Chile Talk:
Seed Sources:
Gardeners Supply Co.:
Garden Mart:
Channel 4000:
Usa Today:
Vikings Chamber!!!!:
Minnesota Vikings web site!!!
Waikiki Beach Camera:


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