Lady Spider Links
Laurie B.
**** Theories and goals of education don't matter a whit if you do not consider your students to be human beings.***** Lou Ann Walker *****In the great spiritual traditions of East and West, the concept of surrender is not meant to connote hopelessness or apathy. It is meant to convey the yielding of the individual will to the ongoing, irrepressible flow of life. It comes with letting go of fixed ideas about what should be and what will be. It is the acceptance of what is."***** Author Unknown I Do Not Believe In The Word Impossible! I chose the bumblebee for the very reason that it is "Aerodynamically Impossiable for a Bumblebee to fly" Or so the scientists say.....But still it fly's..... I look at my children in the same wonder as I look at the Bumblebee. Impossible, I was told, to have my own children and yet I have two, A boy (Connor 14 years old) adopted. A girl (Lanora 13 years old) who is an INVITRO (test tube) baby. 11 months and one week apart. Talk about two of everything! I managed to divide my time between them pretty good, however, as they grew, I started to notice things that only a mama can "see"......, different things. I questioned the Pediatric Doctors they told me I have an active baby.... As things became more prominent I questioned a Child Psychiatric Expert and was told "Don't worry you have a healthy, active, 4 year old". Well I still believed ( then ) that the Doctors knew best.
I plodded along and kindergarten came ...........ahhhhh, I have only one at home, huh!...... I should have known better
The two are in 7th grade now getting ready for 8th, Oh boy am I a busy mom !!!!! I still think I should get a teachers salary for the
time I've spent and still spend at school but, the school somehow disagrees with me LOL......
My son is Bipolar 1 with ADHD and more labels of comorbid disorders you would care to read about. He has been hospitilized more times than I think you would want to know also.
This page is dedicated to him and my continued stubborness of not letting him slip through the cracks. The cracks in the mental health system, the school system or the insurance co's. systems. Learn about your child's illness
question the doctors, teachers, and everyone who comes in contact with your special children and , In My Humble Opinion , learn patience. It is a
long journey you are starting with many bumps, frustrations and anger. When things get tough, smile, take a deep breath, and continue your wrestling with the systems for your child.
Remember, no one, and I mean NO ONE will care as much about your child as you do. Love your kid to pieces and thank you for seeking out the information that will help you to understand your child........
Please look at all the wonderful links and letters and just loads of information I have put together for you...............................
**Any clod can have the facts; having opinions is an art!Charles McCabe**
PLEASE NOTE ::::::::::Disclaimer
Mine is only a Mama's opinion, I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be one and only a licensed professional may give you the proper diagnosis you seek. I do urge you to seek a licensed, well researched Professional in the area of Child Behavior / Pediatrics and Psychiatry to receive Expert Advice.
The purpose of this page is to empower you to become an Advocate for your child in School matters, Home matters, and Social Interaction matters. To help you to learn all about the different facets of Childhood Bipolar Disorder (Manic / Depressive) and AD(H)D along with the Comorbid Associated Disorders that sometimes occur.
To also help you to understand these Disorders by giving you much needed information. The links, letters,
and information was compiled by myself and posted with permission of many people...........
I Thank You All for without you I would still be "Swimming With Sharks Instead of Dolphins"
Laurie B. AKA Ladyspider AKA blondie72................
Don't forget to sign my guestbook ! I like to keep up with you who have visited my home......
The information here in these pages are not necessarily the opinion of tripod or any of its members. Neither I nor Tripod seek to endorse any products mentioned within these pages...............................