As I heard Lady Hastings reveal to me that the Scarlet Pimpernel was in danger, I felt my heart fill with mixed emotions. First, fear for the Aristocrats and the Scarlet Pimpernel. Then, eagerness to help. Lastly, there was a calm joy in knowing that she and the rest of the Guild would be behind me in my task. It was so wonderful to have help.
"What is the danger that they face?" I responded.
"I am afraid that someone has told the gaurd Captain outside the North Gate his exact disguise! When he attempts to break through tonight, they will reveal him, and all will be lost!"
"What can I do?" I cried, then quickly hushed myself, for fear of discovery.
'As Chauvelin's cousin, you must convince him to get rid of, or at least promote the captain. We must save the Scarlet Pimpernel!"
"I will do my best! May the Guild prosper! " I whispered.
I curtsied to Lady Hastings, and sweeping out, intercepted by my uncle, Chauvelin.
"Hello, my dear!" he sniveled, in his oily voice.
"Hello, and good evening, my wise Chauvelin. I have heard some grave news. It must come to your attention."
"Yes, what is it?"
"I am afraid that the Captain of the North Gate Gaurd may be a traitor!"
"God help us!" cried Chauvelin.
" I know," I sighed, acting shocked, " but no one can be trusted now. He must be taken care of! The Revolution must endure!"
"Thank you, my dear. You are the jewel of the rebellion. I will have him apprehended and interrogated tonight! "
He bent down and kissed my forehead. I repressed a shudder.
" Anything for France!" I responded. "Farewell!"
"Farewell, and Thank you!"
I sighed, releasing the strain of the act, and called for my carriage.
The next morning, as I was taking tea in the breakfast room, Chauvelin was announced.
" Come," I said, my heart leaping in my chest.
As he came in, he bowed, and kissed my hand, but I could see the anger in his eyes.
"Yes, Chauvelin, what is it?"
" Last night, only five minutes after the guard Captain at the North Gate was apprehended, the Scarlet Pimpernel slipped through. Why might that be?"
His voice was dangerously soft. I looked as shocked as I possibly could.
" I don't know- you apprehended the traitor!" I said.
" And the "traitor" knew the exact costume the Pimpernel was in! He would have stopped and caught the Pimpernel, had you not "exposed" him!"
" How do you know that he would not have let him through? He was most likely using the disguise story to cover himself!"
I saw shame and apology dawn in Chauvelin's eyes as he realised that my quickly fabricated story was most likely true. He responded," You are right, my lady. I'm sorry to have doubted you. You, the person I trust most, would never betray the Revolution."
I sighed and smiled, in forgiveness, he thought, but truly in relief.
" Of course. You must be suspicious, or you would not be so successful."
"Thank you, my lady, and now I must take my leave. Farewell," he said, and bowed his way out.
As I returned to my tea, I felt a pang of guilt at possibly sending a guard to the guillotine, but he was surely as bloodthirsty as the rest. I had helped save the Pimpernel, and had gotten apologies and thanks from Monsieur Chauvelin out of it. It had been a good morning.    

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