
Well,   Late   Lunch   is   dead   and   gone,   but   Mel   and   Sue   remain!

Hello, good evening and welcome, I thought it was about time I changed this bit as it was beginning to get a bit tiresome, esp. as I couldnt spell most of the words I used in it. Greetings, its been far too long since I updated this, so I thought it needed some new words now its the Year 2003.. DUN DUN DAAAAAAA. Over the summer i did start working on new layout and stuff for the site but i kinda got sidetracked by the sun and stuff. and oh yeah.. the lack of skill.. so you may just have to wait a bit until i get that sorted..

And, long gone is me rambling on about starting my final year of uni as I've now almost been graduated for a YEAR! which is too darn scary as I'm still in a shitty retail job which i never intended to do.. HELP!

RIP Aaliyah Dana Haughton

January 16th 1979 - August 25th 2001

No-one Ever Really Dies.

They Live On In Our Hearts and Minds.

Present obsessions are Buffy The Vampire Slayer and everything to do with it ever!. It rocks. You can check out the offical BBC site here. Whilst cruising on the now defunct WB official US site, and the replacement independtly run Posting Board I have had the pleasure to speak breifly with writers and other such behind the scenes wonders from the show. And no, its not THAT obsessive...*g* In addition I am also at the moment quite liking Texas... ohh that Sharleen! Check out their offical site right here.

I recently did a test at TheSpark.com which claimed that I am:

Lets hope its true. If you'd like to take the test, or a range of other tests, just click on the image above. It's fun.

If have any suggestions oh how to improve my webpage, or even my life, or at a stretch the lives of my friends and family, dont hesitate to sign my guestbook, well you could hesitate, I wont really know will I, or you could email me here

At this point in time, there still isnt any new pages, but truth be known I still dont know a lot more about the how thing and cant think of anything to put on it anyway, and also whoever looks at it apart from me to update it, like once a year!! And plus the fact I just don't have a life so I dont see this page changing much. And i havnt put my flash web page up yet either. There is still the page that is a bit of a show off bragging page as im going to put a couple of photos of me with midly famous people. Well I'm proud thats all. Well the first of these is......Yes, its a photo of me and Sue Perkins (doh who else). yay! Please ignore the fact that my chest is glowing, reflective t shirt and flash, oh its such a long story to explain..........

Whilst your here, why not visit :

BRAG ALERT! BRAG ALERT! go on, have a look......:
How to lose school friends and get beaten up. Put their photos on the web.....NEW!!!!!!:
The Babes Bit. No not the babes bits. Thats rude. Lots of Pages. No Words. Go Look.:
My trip to LIGHT LUNCH!:
A Grrr-Some Jennifer Lopez Site:
A photo album thing. cos i felt like it. NEW!:
Sign my guest book, go on you know you want to!:
The Eddie Izzard Bit:
Oh to Be 8 Again!:
Hey! Want some Links? I got some right here!:
OOH, if you used to go to my school..... then read this..... it might be funny....:
X Files. well pictures anyway.:
Mel G Picture Gallery:
Mel C picture Gallery:
It's Mel and Sue's very own website!!:
Some pictures of the gorgeous Melanie C!:
Four Sexy Guys!:
Songs of the moment. please take the time to check them out.:
Some pics of ppl cos I was BORED!:
voulez vous CHAT avec moi, ce soir?:
If you like Backstreet Boys you MUST MUST listen to this!! nOWWWW!!!!:

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