Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), poet, philosopher, and artist, was born in Lebanon, a land that has produced many prophets. The millions of Arabic-speaking peoples familiar with his writings in that language consider him the genius of his age.
His poetry has been translated into more than twenty languages. His drawings and paintings have been exhibited in the great capitals of the world and compared by Auguste Rodin to the work of William Blake. In the United States, which he made his home during the last twenty years of his life, he began to write in English.

Works originally written in Arabic:

1908: Spirits Rebellious.

1912: The Broken Wings.

1914: A Tear and A Smile.

1918: The Procession

Works originally written in English:

1918: The Madman.

1920: The Forerunner.

1923: The Prophet.

1926: Sand and Foam.

1928: Jesus, the Son of Man.


1931: The Earth Gods.

1932: The Wanderer.

1933: The Garden of the Prophet.