13th of October 1990

Saturday 13th of October 1990 will always be in the mind of every true Lebanese Patriots, as the black day when the last bastion of freedom, dignity and independence was crushed in Lebanon.
In that day, at 7:00 AM Beirut times, syrian troops launched a general assault on the Lebanese free regions that were defended by the Lebanese Army under the command of prime minister General Michel Aoun. Syrians used planes to destroy the courageous and strong resisting Lebanese Army. But since the battle could never be won, and since it was sponsored hypocritically by most of the Western countries, General Aoun decided to stop military operations after two hours of fighting, in an attempt to stop any further bloodbath. Even though syrian soldiers didn't stop their assault and the Lebanese Army was obliged to continue the resistance. Atrocities were committed against the Lebanese Army prisoners by syrian barbarians. Hundreds of Lebanese soldiers were shot down coldly, in the battlefield, in one of the must ugly genocide during the Lebanese War.
The victorious syrians installed a puppet regime, that they control and lead.
But, the Lebanese Resistance never dies. General Aoun who was forced to exile in France after his defeat, continues, from his new base, the work to liberate Lebanon, And on the ground in Lebanon, thousands of Lebanese, who still refuse the syrian hegemony, organized resistance groups, trying to push Western countries to apply UN resolution 520, which calls for an immediate withdraw of all foreign forces from Lebanon.
The battle of the 13th of October, although it was a military defeat for the Lebanese Resistance, it just couldn't kill the power and the determination of the patriots, who are willing more than ever to liberate their country.

Today we stand facing our martyrs, proud and peaceful. We're never gonna give away or forget their sacrifice, the fight and struggle for total liberation will never stop until the last foreign soldier had moved out from our Gloryland, no matter what happens. Rest in peace, martyrs, your cause is still in our hearts and minds….