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Robert E. Lee / Student Activities / Student Extracurricular Activities

Student Extracurricular Activities
     Student extracurricular activities available to Lee students are not limited to athletics.  Academic teams, academic subject clubs, cocurricular clubs, honor societies, performing art groups, publications, service clubs, and student government offer students wonderful opportunities to grow into young adults.
     Most activities require only an interest, some a try-out, others a special skill, but there is something for everyone.  And, new clubs and organizations are always welcome.
     School is more meaningful and enjoyable when a student becomes involved in the activities program.
     Whether the activity is part of a club or an organization, a special interest group, or the student government, it is an opportunity to make friends, to learn some important social skills, and to take part in fun activities.


Academic Clubs
Career Clubs
Cultural Clubs
Honor Societies
Leadership Clubs
Media Organizations
Performing Groups
Service Clubs
Student Government
Interscholastic Sports

Academic Clubs
Students can explore their interests in a variety of academic subjects by joining clubs with students who share special interests.

It's Academic Club        Latin Club        Math Team        Odyssey of the Mind

Career Clubs
Students can explore their interests in a variety of academic subjects by joining clubs with students who share special interests.

Distributed Education Club (DECA)      Vocation Industrial Clubs (VICA)
Engineering Club     Future Business Leaders (FBLA)     Model Judiciary

Culture Clubs
Students can explore their interests in a variety of cultures by joining clubs where students share their special interests.

ABC Club       French Club       German Club       International       Islamic Club
   Korean Club       Persian Club       South Asian Association       Spanish Club    

Honor Societies
Lee offers program to students who excel in their studies.

    Art      Business      French      German      Japanese     Latin      National       Quill and Scroll
Thespians     Tri-M

Leadership Clubs
Students can explore their interests in a variety of cultures by joining clubs where students share their special interests.

HERO             ICC

Media Organizations
Students can pursue their interest in the publishing media.

The Lance Newpaper      Troubodour Literary Magazine      The Shield Yearbook

Performing Groups
Students can pursue their interest in the performing arts.

Concert Choir       Drama      Flag Team      Forensics      Lancer Dancers     Ladies Ensemble       Madrigals       Marching Band       Orchestra       Steps      Symphonic Band     Tech Crew

Service Clubs
Students can explore their interests in a variety of academic subjects by joining clubs with students who share special interests.

Civettes      Ecology Club     Federation of Christian Athletes (FCA)     Humane Society     Key Club     Girls Athletic Association (GAA)     Lancer Girls Club     Leo Club     Safety Council

Student Government
Students can explore their interests in a variety of academic subjects by joining clubs with students who share special interests.

Student Government Association     School Council
Senior Class     Junior Class     Sophomore Class     Freshmen Class

Interscholastic Athletics
Students can explore their interests in a variety of academic subjects by joining clubs with students who share special interests.

| Academic Clubs | Career Clubs | Cultural Clubs | Honor Societies | Leadership Clubs |
Media Organizations | Performing Groups | Service Clubs | Student Government | Sports |

| about Lee Studies | Bragging | Calendar | Daily Bulletin | Directories |
Events | Lance | Resource Centers | Registration | Activities | Sports |

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 If you would like to collect and prepare information on activities your child is involved in at Lee please let us know, we have a lot to brag about!  If you have any comments, suggestion, or questions about the "unofficial" Robert E. Lee High School Web site, please send them to:  lee_lancers@hotmail.com