Celebrating 40 years serving the greater Springfield community.


The Springfield Connection                                 October 1 - 7, 1998

Lancers harriers out-pace Fairfax
     Both Lee's boy's and girl's cross-country teams defeated Fairfax last Wednesday, September 23, 1998 in Fairfax.
     In the boys race, the Lancers won, 20-38. Lee's Brian Ward won the race on the 2.98-mile course (17:14), Josh Dailey's third-place finish (17:14) paced the Rebels, followed by Matt Thompson (17:58) in fifth. Dailey, Thompson and Jake Dull (eight, 18:33) all ran personal-best times for Fairfax.
     In the girls race, Lee barely won 27-28. Lancer Caitlin Dempsey won the event (20:37), while teammate Veronica Clemens finished second (20:40).

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