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Indian Territory
Quick Links

A Potluck Stew of Good Sites

recommended Indian Territory as a "notable personal page" in the May '98 issue!
All I can say is...Ya-hoo! (what a surprise!) Visit them online!

A quick note from Kokopelli:

Because Yahoo!Internet Life used this page as a URL reference, you may have started here rather than at the Table of Contents or the index page . There are 80 pages on this site, so please take time to check out the Table of Contents. To make things easier, I've put links to all major Indian Territory sections at the bottom of this page. (p.s. when you do go off-site, please bookmark Indian Territory--and come back soon!)


A sacred journey around Lake Superior
has been successfully concluded!

Here's a variety of resources I've found especially valuable!

Listen online to American Indian Radio on Satellite


It doesn't get better than this--Arigon Starr, setting the world on fire with her own hard-drivin', hard-rockin' personal blend of pop, rock 'n roll, and indelible images from Indian Country! A fullblood Kickapoo/Creek, Arigon's got a voice and a vision.

Sample--and buy--her CD "MEET THE DIVA" at The Starrwatcher Online
--and meet Arigon, a diva of sheer delight!

NATIVE AMERICAN MUSIC AWARDS 1999: Arigon WINS "Best Independent Recording!"

Marks in Time, Delaware Treaty History included in the
Encyclopedia Britannica recommended links on Delaware History!


Ceremony Season, by Wickapi:a "must-read!"
National Congress of American Indians
Native Law at Humboldt--extraordinary!
Indian laws in The Internet Law Library, expanded
(former U.S. House of Representatives Law Library for Indian Nations and Tribes)
Findlaw -- another essential

Speaking of law, learn about a tragic miscarriage of justice
at the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

Native Americans & the Environment, a must-see!
Native American Grave Protection & Repatriation Act of 1990 (NAGPRA)
A bibliography, with links, on Repatriation & Reburial
The legal realities of being Indian
The excellent NativeWeb
The Native American Rights Fund - Essential work for Indian Country
Native American Political Issuesby Laura Brooks
Oscar B. Jacobson Collection of American Indian Art Univ. of Oklahoma
American Indian Science and Engineering Society -- also see my spaceflight & science pages

and don't miss Arlie's excellent traditional page

Indian Country Today --excellent investigative reporting.
The Oklahoma Indian Times --the voice of Indians in Oklahoma.
Grayfox's New Web Services Company:Visit my Chiricahua Apache bro', Ba Libaa

A quick must read: Geronimo's Cadillac

This Week in American Indian History a one-of-a kind resource by Phil Konstantin (Cherokee)
Also check out Phil's links organized in useful categories
Ronald Roybal, musician : Nominated for two Native American Music Awards for Best Native Flutist of the Year and Best Instrumental Album
Earth Impressions fine art by sculptor Randy Cox and artist Deborah Bell
The Cherokee Observer --stay up-to-date with events in Tahlequah,OK
Red Bear's cyber-trading post: visit this talented artist and his gifted family!
BeadedWeb:this Shoshone-Bannock artist has worthwhile things to say about "native spirituality" and the realities of being Indian.
American Indian Institute, University of Oklahoma

Native American Indian The late Paula Giese's extraordinary site
66th annual Indian Exposition,dedicated to the memory of Mildred Cleghorn, Apache leader
In Memoriam: Lucy Parks Blalock, Delaware teacher

Native Peoples Magazine --beautiful and truly representative of native cultures.

Just for the joy of it! Here's one of my favorite links,
about one of my favorite places, my heart's home:

Viva! New Mexico

Don't forget about The Journal of Indian Justice,
All Rivers Flow Somewhere: Environmental Justice,
NASA's first Native American astronaut
or American politics

The following two sites feature "Star Child", a poem I wrote several years ago for the Children's Home Society of Rockledge,FL. Please, take care of our children!

Ken Scully's child advocacy site
The Rainbow Garden
And just for fun: The Kenneth Branagh Compendium -- I'm a KenFriends member!

Learn about Hawai`i & native concerns there at `Onipa`a, a beautiful site. Aloha!

Museums, Exhibits, Galleries & Special Collections

National Museum of the American Indian
Heard Museum
Southwest Museum
Museum of Westward Expansion : good presentation of multi-cultural history


Please sign my guestbook--new one as of July 19, 1999. Thank you!

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This site honors the unique voices of the differing Indian peoples. There are about 500 U.S. continental tribes, bands, and rancherias (the latter primarily in California), each with its own language and culture. Despite what TV, movies, and some "experts" would have you believe, there is no one, single, definitive "Indian" or "Native American" belief system or culture. The distinctive voices of these peoples are too beautiful and of too much strength and value to merge into one large "melting pot" of indistinct pan-Indian Hollywood stereotypes. Hence, this site offers valid, factual information that combines history and culture with current activism issues. It does not offer "Native American spirituality,*" online teaching, or other items that may be popular on the Internet, but that don't relate to the reality of everyday Indian lives. We strive to link to pages that offer information suitable for younger students; should you find a link that offers bad or obscene language or unsuitable topics,please notify us. As much as possible, we also strive to link to sites maintained by persons of known good character and those whose websites offer a positive approach to education and information.

This site does not link to nor recommend The Spike, published by Jimmy Boy Dial

Page updated: Mar 20 2001

Table of Contents (low graphics) Text-only Table of Contents
Indian Tribes in Oklahoma, Native Languages,
Journal of Indian Justice, Termination by Appropriation
Journal of Environmental Justice or the index.

The music is "Oklahoma Hills"

This History Ring site is owned by LP Phillips
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Graphics by:Chow Chi Leong
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