Leon Mishnaevsky Jr:
PDF-Files of Some Publications
- Continuum Mesomechanical Finite Element Modeling in Materials Development: a State-of-the-Art Review,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 54, 1, 2001, pp. 49-69
- Methods of the Theory of Complex Systems in Modelling of Fracture: a Brief Review
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Eng. Fract. Mech. Vol.56, No.1, pp.47-56, 1997 Abstract.
- Computational Design of Multiphase Materials at Mesolevel,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, N. Lippmann and S. Schmauder,
Proceedings ASME Mechanical Engineering
Congress, November 11-16, New York, CD, Vol. 2.
You can look on the transparencies of the
presentation by L. Mishnaevsky at the ASME Congress in New York, 13. November 2001.
- Optimization of Materials Microstructures: Information Theory Approach,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, T. Shioya
Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. 48, 2001, pp. 1-13
- In-situ Observations of Damage Evolution and Fracture in AlSi Cast Alloys,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, N. Lippmann, S. Schmauder and P. Gumbsch
Eng. Fract. Mech., Vol. 63, Nr. 4, 1999, pp. 395-411
- Damage Evolution and Heterogeneity of Materials: Model based on Fuzzy Set Theory,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
Eng. Fract. Mech., Vol.57, No.6, pp.625-636, 1997
- Computational Mesomechanics of Particle-Reinforced Composites
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, M. Dong, S. Hoenle and S. Schmauder
Comp. Mater. Sci. 16 (1999) 133-143
- Rock Fragmentation and Optimisation of Drilling Tools
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Fracture of Rock. Chapter 6.
Ed. M.H. Aliabadi. Computational Mechanics Publications. 1998. pp. 167-203
- Mathematical Modelling of Wear of Cemented Carbide Tools in Cutting Brittle Materials,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.35, No.5,1995, pp.717-724
- Determination for the Time to Fracture of Solids
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Fracture, Vol.79, No.4, 1996, pp.341-350. Abstract
- Optimization of Fracture Resistance of Ledeburitic Tool Steels: a Fractal Approach,
L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder
"Steels and Materials for Power Plants", Ed.: P. Neumann et al., Proceedings of EUROMAT-99
(European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Munich, 1999),
Vol. 7, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim
- Optimization of Shape of Drilling Tools
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
In: Proceedings 9th International
Congress Rock Mechanics, Paris, 1999, Balkema, Rotterdam, Eds. G. Vouille and P.Berest, Vol. 2, pp. 1223-1228
- Optimization of the Microstructure of Ledeburitic Tool Steels: a Fractal Approach (HTML-file)
Presentation by L. Mishnaevsky Jr on the Werkstoffkolloqium, MPA, University of Stuttgart, 13.01.2000
- Mesomechanical Simulation of Crack Propagation in Real and Quasi-Real Idealized Microstructures of Tool Steels
L. Mishnaevsky Jr, N. Lippmann and S. Schmauder
Proceedings 13th European Conference on Fracture "Fracture Mechanics : Applications and Challenges", CR-ROM, 6th - 9th September 2000, San Sebastián, Spain
- Determination of Fractal Dimension of a Growing Crack on the Basis of the Model of Crack Growth as Fractal Aggregation (HTML-file)
Presentation by L. Mishnaevsky Jr on the Workshop "Simulation of Microstructure and Strength of Materials" , Stuttgart, July 20-21, 1998
- Fractals in the Theory of Fracture (95 k)
Presentation by L. Mishnaevsky Jr on the Workshop on Micromechanics, MPA, University of Stuttgart, 20 March 1997
- Finite Element Simulation of Damage in Two-Phase Steels (HTML-file)
Presentation by L. Mishnaevsky Jr on Kolloquium ueber Werkstoffmodellierung, MPA, University of Stuttgart, 12. November 1998
- Microstructural Investigations of Failure Mechanisms in AlSi-cast Alloys by 3D FE-Modelling (HTML-file)
Transparencies for the Presentation on the Final Joint Working Group Meeting of COST 512 Action "Modelling in Materials Science and Processes", Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 26-29 April 1998
- A New Approach to Design of Drilling Tools
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Vol.33, No.1, pp.97-102. Abstract
- Physical Mechanisms of Hard Rock Fragmentation under Mechanical Loading: A Review
L. Mishnaevsky Jr
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Vol.32, No.8, pp.763-766. Abstract
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