Rich With My Savior
by Mrs. Cindy Smith
Sixteen a cappella Hymns and Spiritual Songs
(Cassette $10.00; CD $13.00)

"How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds"

"Lord Let Me Praise Thee"

"For the Beauty of the Earth"

"My Jesus I Love Thee"

"Great Is Thy Faithfulness"

"Let Me Tell You"

"How Sweet to Die"

"My Dream"

"Lamb of God"

"He's Gone! The Spotless Soul is Gone"

"Visitor From Heaven"

"Grace 'Tis a Charming Sound"

"Holy Ground"

"I Need Thee"

"Be Thou My Vision"

"Nothing But the Blood of Jesus"

"I felt very burdened for some time to record all my children's birth songs. Every time I was blessed with a pregnancy, I would pick a song to sing to my unborn child. I sang this song to my baby every day until their greatly anticipated birthday. As soon as each of them was born, I held them (they would be crying, like most newborns) and then I would start singing their special song. Each one got quiet and would look as if they recognized their song.

These songs have been a great blessing to me. You can probably imagine how many times I sang each one during their first year of life, trying to quiet a cranky little one. Marty and I have also been blessed up to this time to watch four of our five children follow the Lord in baptism, and we sange their song in thanksgiving again just before they entered the water. One day, I hope to have an opportunity to hear their song sung when they join themselves to their love at their wedding. Each song, I feel, has had a great influence on each child. I am humbled and so thankful to have the opportunity to record these songs for my children.

The other selections are songs that have meant something to me personally in my spiritual walk. it gives me great joy to sing. I hope you will receive blessing in hearing these songs. I have been greatly blessed in singing them."

   Cindy Smith - 1996