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The Liberty Group Education News

How to Do Bilingual Ed Right

"The educator, like the farmer, has certain things
to do, certain resources with which to do, and certain
obstacles with which to contend. The conditions with which
the farmer deals, whether as obstacles or resources, have
their own structure and operation independently of any
purpose of his [or hers]. Seeds sprout, rain falls, the sun
shines, insects devour, blight comes, the seasons change.
His aim is simply to utilize these various conditions; to
make his activities and their energies work together, instead
of against one another." --John Dewey, Democracy and Education

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Ed Dept. Guide
to E-math Tutors

Education World
Rates Ed Sites

Ed. Sec. Riley
Makes Statement
on UNZ

UC-Santa Cruz and
CAL Publish
Bilingual Study

"May Day" by
R.W. Emerson

June 2: Calif. Votes on Bilingual Ed.

Robert Thurman on Lifelong Learning

Pedro Noguera:
What's an American?

Report from Children's Defense Conference

LGI Takes San Antonio By Storm!

Bay Region IV Webletter

Kansas High Schooler Fights Censorship

Online National High School Newspaper