The double link between the Deijs and Oostdam Families.

(Considered from the generation of Liek Rijks-Deijs and Ben Oostdam)

Generation A: our common grandparents:

Carolus Ludovicus Oostdam

Angela Oostdam-Lockefeer

Opa and Oma Deijs

Philip Deys, Liek's father

Generation B:
Ben and Jeannette Oostdam
Ben's father and Liek's mother
Piet Deijs (Philip's brother) and family:
wife Martha (sister of Jeanette and Ben),
sons Lo [left] and Philip [right]

Generation C:

Liek and Ben in Hoorn, Holland

Lo, Ben and Philip Deys camping with
their uncle Ben Oostdam Sr

Jan Rijks, Liek's son

Annette Rijks,
Liek's daughter

Ben Oostdam Jr, Ben's son
Generation D:

Erika Oostdam Slaugh,
Ben's daughter, and mother of
Paul Bernard Slaugh

Generation E:

(left:) Paul Bernard Slaugh
grandson of Ben Oostdam

(right:) Lo and Tini Deijs
and their progeny
in New Zealand

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BLO fecit 15 X 1998

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