Lurky Lou's Closet

I first met LurkyLou several years ago. She was very shy back then as she is now. I created this space for her to come out and play in a safe enviroment. Let's see how successful my attempts, with your help, can be.


Lou: "Meow"

Would you come out to play
with this nice ball I have for you?

Lou: "MeowMaybe"


Where did the ball go?

Better Luck Next Time...

Looks like she's off to play with the new toy.
Please come back soon and we'll try again.
Lou thanks you for bringing the ball.


LurkyLou has a new Scratching Post. We hope this post last longer. Please visit. She needs meows of encouragement often. Thank You!!

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Hideouts in the Closet
LurkyLou is starting to come out...
"We Try Again"
Come Meet The New Cats At The Closet
Ahh...Such A Romantic!!
"Spaghetti Anyone?"
Gentle Purrs From A Dark Closet
LurkyLou's Travels
"More Cool Cat Links"
Treats For Courage and Bravery
"Kitty Treats"

Counter Established May 2001