The Code

Here's a link to some free midis you can use


Net4Tv Midis

Linkable Midis

Example of My Midi Code

Music On/Off Code

Music Robot Search

VanBascoMidi Search

Type artist or song name:

Here is an easy basic code to put midi music onto your PAGEBUILDER webpage.
(Email Sound Tip)

<<>bgsound src="http://PutTheAddressOfaMidiHere">


(there is only ONE space in that whole code. It comes after the letters <<>bgsound (use your space bar to make one space, it will look a little different from here, but don't worry)

Here's how to get the address of a midi. (example) Go to a midi site and select a song. Click on the midi. While listening to the midi play,

  1. Click your "OPtions" button on your keyboard
  2. Click your "Go To" button
  3. Click your "Show Last" button
  4. Look at the address that appears in the address box. This is the address (URL) of that midi. Copy it down. Insert that address into the code where it says:

That's it, the midi will play one time while you are looking at your webpage.

To make your midi play over & over, put this code onto your webpage.

<<>html><<>body><<>bgsound src="http://PutTheAddressOfaMidiHere" loop="50"><<>/body>


(there are 2 spaces in that whole code: One AFTER the letters <<>bgsound and One more BEFORE the letters loop="50"> Use your spacebar, don't worry about starting a new line.

That's it, now your midi will play over and over up to 50 times.


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Music in Webtv Emails:

For midi music in your webtv Email: Use the above same code in your SIGNATURE BOX and add
<<>/html> After all of your code, Like this:
<<>bgsound src="http://AddressOfaMidiHere">
All of the rest of any additonal code goes here

(don't worry about your code dropping to a new line. Just type it and let it wrap naturally around.) NEVER use your "Return" key when writing code.
To find your Signature Box, after you log on, click "Mail", then click on the word "settings" at the top right-hand corner of your WebTV mail page.

Zip up

My Midi Code
Here is the code I used for this midi thats now playing:

<<>html><<>body><<>bgsound src=""><<>/body><<>/html>

There is only ONE space in that whole code:after the letters: <<>bgsound
I made the space using the space bar on my keyboard. It may look a little different when you type in , but don't worry about that.

TIP: Extras:
After you learn the basic midi code, you can add this - loop="50" -to your code, like this:
<<>bgsound src="url" loop="50">
to have the music play over and over. If your music isn't playing and the code is correct, check these things:

  1. did you put <<>body> first?
  2. Did you put <<>/body> after the code?
  3. Some sites do not allow linking to midis, like Tripod, etc
  4. did you re-check your spelling?

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