Do I have OCD?
A screening test for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
People who have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) experience recurrent, unpleasant thoughts (obsessions) and feel driven to perform certain acts over and over again (compulsions). Although sufferers usually recognize that the obsessions are sensless or excessive, the symptoms of OCD often prove difficult to control without proper treatment. Obsessions and compulsions are not pleasurable, they are a source of distress. The following questions are designed to help people determine if they have symptoms of OCD and could benefit from professional help.

Part A. Please circle YES or NO
Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind, such as:
1. concerns with contamination (dirt, germs, chemicals, radiation) or acquiring a serious illness such as AIDS? Yes No
2. overcome with keeping objects (clothing, groceries, tools) in perfect order or arranged exactly? Yes No
3. images of death or other horrible events? Yes No
4. personally unacceptable religious or sexual thoughts? Yes No
6. accidentally hitting a pedestrian with your car or letting it roll down the hill? Yes No
7. spreading an illness (giving someone AIDS)? Yes No
8. losing something valuable? Yes No
9. harm coming to a loved one because you weren't careful enough? Yes No
Have you worried about acting on an unwanted and senseless urge or impulse, such as:
10. physically harming a loved one, pushing a stranger in front of a bus, steering your car into oncoming traffic, inappropriate sexual contact, or poisoning dinner guests? Yes No
Have you ever felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as:
11. excessive or ritualized washing, cleening, or grooming? Yes No
12. checking light switches, water faucets, the stove, door locks, or emergency break? Yes No
13. counting; arranging; evening-up behaviours (making sure your socks are the same height) Yes No
14. collecting useless objects or inspecting the garbage before it is thrown out? Yes No
15. repeating routine actions (in/out of chair, going through the doorway, re-lighting cigarette) a certain number of times or until it feels just right Yes No
16. need to touch objects to people? Yes No
17. unnecessary re-reading or re-writing; re-opening envelopes before they are mailed? Yes No
18. examining your body for signs of illness? Yes No
19. avoiding colours ("red" means blood), numbers ("13" is unlucky), or names (those that start with "D" signify death) that are associated with dreaded events or unpleasant thoughts? Yes No
20. needing to "confess" or repeatedly asking for reassurance that you did something correctly? Yes No
If you answered YES to 2 or more of the above questions, please continue with Part B

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please e-mail me anytime at, I'd love to hear from you!
For more information concerning Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, please return to the main page, or, for a list of resources on the disorder, please visit for more information