Rosie's BackgroundsWelcome to Rosie's
Backgrounds You are guest #
Since January 2nd, 1998.
This is a free for a link site! This site best viewed with:
 Optimize your browser to 800X600 resolutions This site created with
 Please do not link directly to these
backgrounds. If you need more information about why NOT to link to
other people's graphics or midi's for that matter, please follow this link:

If you would like to use my backgrounds, I do have a couple of
Download them to your own hard drive. To do this, use your
mouse to right click on the background you would like and select "save
as". Give me a proper credit link back by using the logo below.
 the html for this site is as
follows: Do not use
these backgrounds in another collection or try to claim them as your own. Drop
me an E-Mail to let me know you have used my background, so I can drop by your site.
:) Although not required, Please sign the guestbook.
A little bit about
copyright. There are so many free graphics sites on the web. They provide all
of us, with a great service. Don't steal graphics, and try to use them as your
own..This is not only rude but illegal. This site is © 1998-1999 by Rosie. NO
reproduction, or distribution is allowed.
Now with that being said,
Enjoy! This author is a member of:
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