As we all know, the tradgedy that has led to the creation of this website is the death of Lucky Spencer on Friday, April 16, 1999's episode.

Lucky appeared on "General Hospital" back in October of 1993, the son of the infamous Luke and Laura. Early on, he was alreday subject to many dangers due to his father's conncetions to Sonny and the mob. Early on, Lucky was even shot but survived.

Over time, Lucky's sister, Leslie Lu, or more commonly known as Lulu, was born -- his first sibling. That is, until it was discovered that Nikolas Cassadine, son of Luke Spencer's enemy Stephan Cassadine, was also mothered by Laura. It was difficult at first, but in the end Lucky and Nikolas became good friends and true brothers.

In late 1997, Elizabeth Webber arrived in Port Charles. Lucky originally fought with Nikolas over her sister Sarah, but after Elizabeth was raped in early 1998 Lucky became her support system. The two started out as friends, but this friendship developped into much, much more over the next year.

Lucky and Elizabeth quickly became one of the most well-liked couples of "General Hospital". The young couple balanced one another perfectly, both knowing exactly what the other was thinking much of the time. They became inseperable and had even planned to move to Manhattan together so that Liz could attend a prestigious art school.

This move never happened though, due to Lucky's tragic death. Elizabeth was the last person to speak to Lucky that night, during a late night phone chat. Later on that evening he was dead, having died in his room about Sonny and Jason's bike shop due to an accidental fire.

Lucky leave behind so many people who loved and cared about him. First and foremost is Elizabeth, his one true love, but also his parents Luke and Laura and his sister Leslie Lu, as well as his half-brother Nikolas, aunt Bobbie, and good friends Emily. Everyone on GH will be affected by this somehow though, I'm sure.
