Leigh Leaver's Home Page
Welcome to my web page. Feel free to roam around and check things out. I have included some of my work I completed at university and some useful links that I enjoy.
My Resume:
Links To My Work and Other Web Pages
School References:
School Projects:
Courses At Brock:
Here are links to the computer related courses that I have taken at Brock
University :
Cosc 1P02
Introduction to Computer Science
Cosc 1P03
Data Structures and Abstraction
Cosc 1P12
Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Cosc 2P03
Advanced Data Structures
Cosc 2P13 Introduction to Operating Systems
Cosc 2P50
The Computing Professional
Cosc 2P91
Programming Languages
Cosc 2P32
File and Database Systems
Cosc 2P93
Artificial Intelligence Languages and Functional Languages(Prolog,
Cosc 3F00
Project Management
Cosc 3P04
Computer Interfaces
Math 3F65 NP Completness Basically (no site for this course)
Pages Of Interest To Me :
Number Of Visitors
E-mail Leigh at Leigh_Leaver@msn.com