Hi, My name is Bill Norton. I am a collector and an accumulater of stuff. I sell stuff at auction at the ebay link shown below. You can go there and see what I have for sale currently. Go to "search" then put in my address to search for seller items. Type in: bnortonstps@mail.snider.net Go to my Suresite link and see what First Day Covers I have for sale. I sell Barbies, Hot Wheels, Star Trek, Star Wars and many other Action Figures. I specialize in the Female action figures. I have done or have had done various First Day Covers for stamps I like. You will see a few on my other web pages by going thru my links. Here is a nice set of stamps issued by the country of Hungary in 1994 for"John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis Presley.![]()
PO Box 55525
Little Rock, AR 72215-5525
United States