Welcome to my place

Hi, My name is Bill Norton.  I am a collector and an accumulater of 
stuff.  I sell stuff at auction at the ebay link shown below.  You can 
go there and see what I have for sale currently.  Go to "search" then
put in my address to search for seller items.  Type in:


Go to my Suresite link and see what First Day Covers I have for sale.

I sell Barbies, Hot Wheels, Star Trek, Star Wars and many other Action
Figures.  I specialize in the Female action figures.

I have done or have had done various First Day Covers for stamps I like.
You will see a few on my other web pages by going thru my links.

Here is a nice set of stamps issued by the country of Hungary in 1994
for"John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis Presley.

Bill's Favorite Links

ebay Auction Web
Over 7000 items for sale every day. I usually have something for sale. Search by my email address.
Bill's Home #1. My First ever web page.
See First Day Covers I have for sale.
Bill's World War II cover page.
I have some nice WWII First Day Covers and will and more.
Ralph's Entertainment Emporium
Go visit my buddy Ralph. He has a lot of nice Autographed photos for sale.
Ralph's Entertainment Mecca
Ralph thinks he is a movie critic, What do you think??
Bill's Special Angelfire Home
Check out my other links there
Bill's Elvis Page
Go look at my neat Elvis Presley First Day Covers

This page has been visited times. Since June 6, 1997

Bill Norton

PO Box 55525
Little Rock, AR 72215-5525
United States