The snow was coming down,
And, I hoped that it would stay;
When you’re a little child,
You like it best that way!

It kept on falling…heavily,
Now, it was a foot deep;
“Oh, please…oh, please keep falling,
I want to pile it up…make a big heap!”

Well, the snow fell all that day,
And, far into the evening;
I got so very excited,
There wasn’t much sense to try sleeping!

But, sleep finally did come,
And, with it…came the dreams;
Oh, they were wonderful…piles of snow,
Tall as a mountain…it seems!

I awoke with a start,
Oh, was it really true;
Was the snow still there,
Had it snowed all night through?

My eyes were wide with wonder,
My mouth hung open wide…in awe;
Yes, the snow was so deep,
Better than the dreams…is what I saw!

“Pull on those leggings and your scarf,
Your sweater, jacket and hat;
Mittens now…and boots,
Grab your shovel…don’t forget that!”

Gramma had plans of her own,
Another lesson…I would learn;
But, her lessons were always fun,
She knew these things…now it was my turn!

“Let’s make a very tall pile,
And, let’s not take all day;
We’re going to do something special,
There will be plenty of time left for play!”

Before I knew it…there it was,
So high above my head;
It looked like a mountain peak to me,
Just as Gramma had said!

“We could climb up to the top,
And then, we could slide down;”
This was my very best idea,
But, Gramma just frowned!

“Oh, I have something new,” she said,
“Something you’ve never done;”
“Just a little more work,
And then, nothing left but fun!”

“We’ll make a door…right here,
And, a window over there;”
“Before you now it…AN IGLOO,
The very best one…anywhere.”

“What is AN IGLOO…Gramma?
I don’t know what that is”;
“Why, it’s a house made out of snow,
That’s where an Eskimo lives.”

We began to remove snow,
Scrapping it from the inside;
In no time at all…it was hollowed-out,
“This is my house”, I did decide!

“Can I stay in here all day,
Oh, please…oh, please may I stay?”
“Well, okay,” Gramma said,
“How about taking along one of the dogs to play?”

“Okay,” I said, “But which one?”
For you see…I liked them all;
“Garneau is my favorite dog,
I like him…most of all!”

Garneau it was…my very best friend,
He licked my face…excited;
Of all the dozen dogs that Gramma had,
Garneau was glad, he was the one I’d decided!

Gramma brought our lunch to eat,
Hot soup for me…for Garneau a bone;
Oh, it was so pleasant in my house,
And, I’m glad I wasn’t all alone!

When we share our fun…it’s more fun,
AN IGLOO is a thing to share;
Gramma shared it with me…I with Garneau,
Now…you can pass it on…from there!!!


May 14, 2004

Aimee Love

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Aimee Love
