Guess who was BORN AT HOME,
So many years ago?
At least that’s what Mom and Dad said,
And, they should know!

Me?…well, I couldn’t tell you,
For I was so young…you see;
I can’t remember that far back,
Just what do you expect of a small baby?

And, besides all of that,
Ten weeks early…that was ‘me’;
No hair…no finger nails…no eye brows,
I was small as I could be!

“We’ll leave her right here”,
This is what my doctor said;
“We’ll do all that we can…and no more:,
Nobody wanted to hear…what they all did dread.

I was put into a dresser drawer,
With blankets and a hot water bottle;
No crib for me yet…so early was I,
And then, fed a stimulant…by dropper.

Much to everyone’s surprise,
This ‘wee-one’ began to grow;
Six weeks later…my birth was recorded,
To tender, loving care…a debt I did owe.

If it had been God’s will,
Then, with Him…I would be;
But…He had other plans,
Yes, many other plans for me!


June 3, 2004

Aimee Love

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Aimee Love
