Something fabulous happens,
When you go up…high into the hills;
Try it…some day…fabulous!
It will give your heart a thrill!

The climb itself is tremendous,
As the valley below grows smaller;
It seems to almost disappear,
As you climb higher and higher!

And, there you are,
Standing high…on top of the world!
If you had the wings of a bird,
Those wings could be unfurled!

But, alas…we are earth-bound,
Still, it’s a good place to be;
For there are many secrets to be revealed,
Come along with me…and you shall see!

There…on the mountain top,
Something phenomenal can occur;
You can raise your voice…to a shout,
And, it can almost return…as it were!

Yes, that’s right…it’s called an ECHO,
And, your voice comes back…comes back;
Whatever you say…bounces off the hills,
It comes back…comes back…comes back!!!

Give it a try… some time,
And, take someone along with you;
‘Tis great fun…to do it together,



June 7, 2004

Aimee Love

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Aimee Love
