Each one of us carries a BACK-PACK,
It’s given to us…the day we’re born;
What we choose to put into it,
Determines a life of happiness or forlorn.

What have you been carrying,
As you travel down life’s road?
Are your parcels light and happy,
Or do you carry a heavy load?

As a child…we have few choices,
Decisions…made for us;
Sometimes other’s burdens,
Onto us…are thrust.

And, as we grow older,
We see that we can make;
Decisions for ourselves,
Our own wishes…not forsake.

But, our BACK-PACK may be full,
And, our choice becomes clear;
To make room for happy parcels,
The heavy parcels must disappear.

So, one by one we release,
The things that held us down;
We lighten our load,
Get rid of things that held us bound.

For the rest of our lifetime,
We’ll be making an exchange;
Out…with the heavy parcels,
Only the happy parcels remain!


September 6, 2003

Aimee Love

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Aimee Love
