Childhood memories come flooding in,
Although the days were long ago;
Still…as we get older,
The happy memories seem to grow.

I REMEMBER ‘food rations’,
When WWII was at its peak.;
We learned how to go without,
When things looked very bleak.

Butter…a thing of the past,
Oleo margarine…if we were lucky;
And…cheese was such a treat,
This…we would have…so rarely.

Ah, but they were good times,
We learned how to make do;
We were content with what we had,
Even though commodities were few.

I REMEMBER knitting tiny squares,
As a child…in second grade;
These were sewn together,
A blanket for a soldier…we had made.

Yes, it was WWII,
And, times were hard for all;
But, we pitched-in…to help.
Be it big projects…or very small.

I REMEMBER when all lights were turned off,
These were practice, drill times…you see;
We would know just what to do,
If attacked…prepared we would be.

While the armies were fighting,
Far off…across the sea;
We…who were at home,
Were doing what we could…to remain free.

And, every little bit did help,
As we all worked together;
The battle was ours too,
And, we fought…along with our soldiers.

I REMEMBER that day of all days,
When church bells began to ring;
People ran into the streets,
There were tears of happiness and shouting.

“It’s over…the war is over!”
Their shouts of joy…proclaimed;
“The enemy has surrendered,
Yes, they have been defeated.”

I REMEMBER happy home comings,
And, those who had not returned;
The world was free of aggression,
A peace…we all had attained.

Memories…so precious,
We take them with us…as we go;
We tend to discard the unhappy ones,
But, these are the ones that made us grow.

I REMEMBER…but I’m looking forward,
Older and wiser…now…are we;
Memories are instrumental,
In our lives…you see!


January 1, 2004

Aimee Love

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Aimee Love


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Children's Drawings