Welcome to the Loser's Guide to Riven: The Sequel to Myst (catchy subtitle, eh?).  The information contained herein will show you every possible way to lose at Riven, the (in my humble opinion) greatest computer game yet made.  I am your guide, and official Head Loser,  Michael.  Iif you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please drop me a line at rivenloser.juno.com

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Well let's get started, shall we?  It all started with Myst, the best selling (some would say flat-out best over all) computer game of all time.  It featured incredible graphics, a great storyline, and non-linear gameplay, as well as some rather difficult puzzles.  In Myst, there were three ways to lose:

You could bring Sirrus the last red page, and get stuck forever in the red book.


You could bring Achenar the last blue page, and get trapped forever in the the blue book.


You could "forget" to bring Atrus the white page, and get eternally trapped in D'ni with him.

Of course, while winning the game by actually bringing Atrus his page was quite fun in it's own right, it's REALLY fun to lose on purpose!  And thus, this page.  We're going to tell you how to lose at Riven, which can be even MORE fun than losing at Myst.  It's probably a good idea to have already won the game, but if you haven't, just be forewarned that there may be some spoilers coming.  Oh, and most important, do NOT forget to save before trying these. With that, we turn to...

#1-Rebel Hive

Okay, so, you've made it passed the Circle of Animals above the weird teepee thingy (that's the technical term for it.  Trust me.)  You've been hit with the drugged dart, and taken to the Rebel Hive (it's the thing pictured on the front of the box).  Next, a woman comes in with two books, and sets them down on the table.  One of them is Catherine's Journal (IMPORTANT LATER), and the other is the book with the false link to D'ni.  (The self-same one you're supposed to capture Ghen in, if you wanted to win.  Of course, we don't.)  

Pick up the false linking-book, and watch the nice picture of D'ni going around and around and around and...anyone dizzy yet?  Okay, now click on the picture to link.

#2 - Back in Riven

Okay, this time, instead of taking that tragic link, you want to read Catherine's journal.  You'll probably want to grab the code for the telescope while you're here, 'cause it's IMPORTANT LATER.  After replacing the Journal, the woman comes back and gives you a link back to the Animal Circle (a.k.a. Riven).  Go there.

Once back in Riven, use the false linking book.

#3-Ghen's Age

Okay, put that fake book away.  It's dangerous and you might trap yourself in there or something.  I needn't tell you how disastrous THAT would be.  Next we'll head for Ghen's Laboratory, to get the nice old boy's code to his domes.  Once you have it, head to the domes and open them (you may have to decode the passcode, if you're a beginner).  Link to Ghen's age.  Unless you really love the sound of his voice, or haven't seen this before, you may want to skip past it, 'cause it's rather lengthy.  Don't link into the trap. After a bit, Ghen leaves, and you are free to visit any island you want, including Katran's prison. ("Katran" is Catherine's real name. See the Book of Atrus.)  For our purposes, though, it really doesn't matter where you go from Ghen's age.  Just link out, and link back.  Ring the doorbell, and Ghen will come back in. Now just wait.  Ghen will put the book down after a bit, and leave, warning you not to come back unless you plan on linking.  Naturally, we plan on nothing of the sort.  Link away again, and then link back into Ghen's age.  Ring the doorbell, and Ghen will come, giving you one final chance to take the link.  Don't do it.  

#4-Time and a Ghen

(Sorry about the pun.)  Once you trap Ghen, you'll be free inside his age.  (Unfortunately, he evidently has the key with him, so there's no going outside his little building.  Anyone figured out a way to get out there yet?) Of real note, however, is that in your possession again is a certain book with a certain mad-dictator trapped inside.  You can't see him in there (which makes me wonder what Catherine and Atrus pretend to see), but you CAN link there, rescuing Ghen and imprisoning yourself.  Gosh, you're heroic.

#5-Bring the house down! (Part One)

This one's my favorite.  Head back to Riven, without rescuing Catherine or trapping Ghen. Remember that code you got in Catherine's journal?  The one for the telescope?  The one that no one in their right mind would ever use unless everyone on Riven was safely in, say, the Rebel Hive?  That's right--USE IT!  (You beginners may have to decode it first.)

Head to the Temple Island (Disk Two), and enter the code in on the telescope manhole. You may recall Catherine said something about a stop.  This stop (located on the left-hand support, near the ground) is supposed to prevent the operator from doing something stupid, such as reopening the fissure and destroying the whole age.  >;-)

Click on the stop to remove it, and then lower the telescope (...assuming the power is on.  If not, you have a bit of work to do that I'm not getting into here).  If you look through it, you'll see a bunch of pretty stars.  Keep lowering it.  And lowering it.  Until, suddenly...well, you'll see.  

#6-Bring the House Down! (Part Two)

Almost the same thing.  You still remove the stop, still reopen the fissure, but this time you should capture Ghen first.  (You still shouldn't have rescued Catherine.  What do you want to do, win?).   

#7-Bring the House Down (Part Three)

Start a new game.  Turn on the power to the telescope.  Step up to the telescope.  Save the game.  Now go to the Moeity age and grab the code for the manhole cover.  Once you have it, reload your game, enter the code, and bring the house down.

#8-Time and A Ghen (Again)

This one starts out like #4.  First, capture Ghen.  But instead of releasing him right away,, head for the rebel age and THEN release him. I have the pic for this, just haven't uploaded it yet.


These are endings that were suggested, on the understanding that they hadn't been tried, but turned out not to work.

1. Lord Jaxom suggested releasing Katran (Catherine) without imprisoning Ghen. leewhitman points out that this is impossible, because the game does not generate the code before you capture Ghen.

2. Lord Jaxom also suggested going to see Ghen before you get the linking book from the Moitey age.  It turns out that Ghen just asks you to go get the book from the rebels.

That's it, so far as I know.  If anyone has found another way to lose at Riven, then please, please, PLEASE let me know.  I'll give you the credit for finding it, assuming you're the first to drop me a line about it.

Riven, Myst, and all that other stuff are property of Cyan or RedOrb or Broderbund or all three.  Message Board graciously provided by Bravenet. The Loser's Guide to Riven is brought to you by rivenloser@juno.com.