Well here I am, sitting in Buns Master Bakery, awaiting the arrival of one of this city's premier rock and rollists, Adam Morano. Former frontman of the legendary My Espisito, now heading the furiously fast Diango. He arrives, with a dozen poppy-seed kaisers in one hand, and a can of Brio in the other! The interview begins...

Me: What's wrong with music today?

Adam: Well, (pauses) I feel there's just not enough angst out there, not enough anger in the souls of music today. I think Serial Joe sucks

M: Why?

A: Why do I feel that? Because there's a lot in our world to be angry about such as (pauses) cold beans, starving ants, and of course taxes!

M: If you had to change your band name, what would you change it to?

A: Bleeding Roses, there just isn't enough anger in love.

M: Tell me about Chris Thompson

A: Being the most homosexual straight guy I know, I had a lot of good experiences with him, a lot of good times, and a lot of good shows, though he was a little hard to potty train, he had a lot of very high expectations of himself, which were never as high as the rest of the band's expectations.

M: If you had the ability to become shorter or taller, which would you choose?

A: Neither, I don't want to change myself. I love myself just the way I am!

M: Good answer. How would you describe the difference between the sound of My Espisito, and Diagno?

A: Good question, you! I believe that the difference deals with the roots that I've had since the Outskirts. Being in My Espisito was more of a theripudic time in my life, I had a lot of questions that needed to be answered. These questions influenced the style of music, and the messages brought across. Now, my nuts have grown a little bit bigger, and I've been writing more powerful, rock...riffs, just like the Outskirts.

M: If you could go on tour with one band right now, who would it be?

A: What is a fun band to tour with? I would have to say a band which has inspired me since I was twelve. That band would be, not a band...but a solo artist...his name is Rick Johnson.

M: Who the hell is Rick Johnson?

A: He is a local acoustic guitarist whose lyrics are both provocative and strong.

M: Is there anyone cooler than Rick Johnson who you would like to tour with?

A: Obviously I'm going to say Supergrass.

M: What's in your stereo right this moment?

A: (laughs) Supergrass, in it for the actually is

M: What do you think about Toronto?

A: (laughs) I've been there on my own about eleven times. It's just a bigger scummier Barrie...with more bums.

M: Do you ever wear jeans for the purpose of showing off your bum?

A: Yes I do, I purchased a pair of bluenotes at the beginning of 98 and I've been wearing them and getting successful looks from the ladies since then.

M: Where do you see 'Diango' on the evolutionary scale of music for Adam Morano?

A: I see it as the last step before breaking off. Letting the wind take my course. I also see it as my last (tear runs down his face) high school band before I turn professional.

M: By professional, do you mean playing sold out shows at Mick Scully's or filling up Maple Leaf Gardens?

A: I don't want to look at it that way. Professional, to me, means an exchange of my art the people's well-earned money.

M: What is the name of the new Diango EP?

A: I don't have a name for it yet.


M: Do you plan on going to Europe, or perhaps Japan to play music?

A: I like Japan and Europe, they are growing like

M: Who's your favourite Spice girl, and why?

A: I like Scary spice because she has a tattoo in a very provacative place.

M: What songs do you like to cover?

A: I don't like to cover music. It's a violation of an artist's only posession.

M: I saw you cover 'Sun Hits the Sky' a few months ago.

A: Doesn't count when you like the band.

M: If you weren't playing in a band, what would be your main goal in life?

A: Being in a band is not a goal in my life. It's a part of me which will be with me for one more month.

M: What happens in a month?

A: My windows 95 is terminated, and all my video games are lost.

M: Oh. So what is your goal in life right now?

A: I have no real goals right now, hah!

M: Tell me about the concept of the new Diango EP

A: A lot of the songs on this EP are being written as I am recording. Most of these songs deal with video games, weather, and occaisionally books that I have read. It will be a reflective album, dealing with the beginning of the summer of 98. I think I'm going to call it songs from the summer of 98. These songs will be all acoustic based, with little keyboard melodies criss-crossing their way through the folk rock sounds which I create.

M: So are you aiming to have a big difference between the sound of Diango live, versus the sound of Diango on tape, because live you're very much a fast, loud, rock band that has no elements of folk at all!

A: Basically, all the songs will be made faster, harder and louder because I myself hate watching acoustic acts. On the other hand, I enjoy a nice mellow acoustic album such as Dario-G, which whisks me away to dream land.

M: So do you expect people to be surprised if they come to a Diango show all geared up for some John Denver?

A: I don't expect them to be surprised, I just want to entertain.

M: Nicely put. What happens if the recorded material is a smashing success? People won't realise what Diango is on stage, they'll be all 'this isn't Diango!'...what happens then?

A: All they can do is mosh

M: So tell me about Craig Coles

A: He's basically the screwed guy that came to my school two years ago. He hung out with us and I don't really remember why he's in our band. I think Jesse asked him, and he said yes. He's the type of guy that likes to make noise with his poison stick.

M: A poison stick is a cool way of saying guitar, right?

A: Yes it is. I think James Hetfield stole it from me.

M: So do you think that Craig has added a new dimension to Diango songs with his Jad Fair-like noise obsession?

A: I enjoy Craig's twist to the sound of my band.

M: Tell me about Matt Parker.

A: Being a sensational drummer that he is, he's just the next scrotum on the clothesline. He kicks ass.

M: Would you say there is a difference between Chris' drumming, and Matt's drumming?

A: Matt has a real rock attitude, and likes to hammer out lots of angry angst-filled beats which completes the Diango triad.

M: I know you and Jesse go way back. Were you two playing together before My Espisito?

A: No, well, kind of. He jammed once with the Outskirts, because he was going to be the next bassist due to the departure of Serge.

M: So in a way, Diango is 3/4 of the Outskirts at one point in time.

A: uhhhhh, yes...

M: How about Aaron Hope, can we expect to see him joining the band anytime soon?

A: Yes, I asked him to quit Secret Seven secretly and he agreed to it. He hopes to be with us in about four weeks. Don't tell anyone.

M: I won't

A: Don't

M: What is your favourite band from Barrie right now, not including Rick Johnson?

A: I enjoy the sounds of Smudge and hope that I can play a show with them and seventen split.

M: In a limerick, describe Diango.

A: (laughs) Diango is a man from a sock

There's something about him, minus a cock

Add some nuts, and some skinny sluts

From that you will find pure rock!

M: Frig, that was really good under such short notice!

A: Yes

M: Thank you very much for this great interview, I wish you and Diango all the best of luck!

A: Yay.