Hello everyone

I would like to welcome you to my page. Although this is my first page, I plan to do a lot of stuff on it. In time, I hope to put some fun links here and also pics of my web friends. So, while you are here, enjoy and stop by again sometime_________.

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Hi! Thank you for stopping by my website and I hope you enjoy your visit. Now, for a little about myself. I am a female with long brown hair...Hazel eyes...5'1...medium weight. My Birthday is on New Years Day....and I look like i'm in my 30's but I just turned 44. I Was Born In Ancon Canal Zone Panama. Which is a country in Central America. My dad was in the service and got out and went to work for the United States Government. My Grandpa was also in the service and he retired down there also. He went to work at the Lock and dam as a security guard. That is when my parents got together. At the time my brother, sister and I were born my dad was a police officer. My family owned a skating rink,so during the days I spent my free time at the beach after school and my nights at the skating rink. While I was growing up, we lived in several different places and I went to four different schools. The saddest day and night of my life was on graduation day. Knowing I would be leaving all my childhood friends behind me when I left the Canal Zone. That I would never see any of them again, was very hard for me, but, it was time to spread my wings and leave the home nest and be on my own. I can remember and picture so clearly in my mind alot of the things I did, as if it were just yesterday. Those were the days I will treasure for the rest of my life. The Panama Canal Zone is just a fantasy now, and I have already created new memories here in Missouri. I live in a friendly little town in Missouri and I am proud to call this town my hometown of over 25 years. I have created new memories here in Missouri. When I first came to the United States, I lived in Asheville NC., where I met and married my first husband at the age of 18, but we separated about six months later, and I moved to Missouri and lived with my Grandparents while I waited for the divorce to become final. Then I went back home to Panama Canal Zone at 19 1/2 to finish the last 6 months of my senior year.Well 2 weeks after i was back home I had a accident with hot water and was scalded from the waist up.Spent 4 months in the hospital and had to be tutored during that time.But I got to go the last month of school and graduated at 20 years old in 1976. I returned to the United States and to Asheville NC where I waited to have skin graphs on my 2nd and 3rd degree burns.I was there for a few months Then I moved back to Missouri where I met my second husband and married him at the age of 21. But, after three months of being abused and almost killed, I couldn't handle it any longer, so I left and went back to Asheville, NC. and filed for a divorce. No man or woman has a right to abuse their spouse and get away with it. At 22, I had already gone through two traumatized marriages, but I was a survivor at 22, and blessed without children during my first two marriages. While waiting a year for my divorce, I met up with a guy I knew two years earlier. We where together for nine months and on the day my divorce became final we were married and that was 21 years ago as of November 22. We moved to Missouri a month before our first anniversary almost 21 years ago. We went our separate ways 5 days after our 21th anniversary in Nov.I filed for a divorce in Nov of 1999 and got my divorce in April 2000.But one good thing had come from this marriage and that is our miracle baby. He is my pride and joy he is in 9th grade .I was recently married in june 2000 but my husband left me and my son two weeks before Christmas for good.So I am trying to be both Mom&Dad to my son but it is all new to me.But with GOD by my side I wiill make get through it.

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Family Pics

Among all of the people that I have met on the web, these are some of them that have adopted me, or that I have adopted as part of my web family.

My Webfamily

I would like you to meet all of the many people that I have met in parenting-teenagers chat room


These are some more of the many friends that I have met on the web.

Good Friends

Special pages written by one of my web sisters about web friends


I like to listen to country music on my radio. My favorite song is 'I believe' by Clay Walker, and a few other country songs. I like to watch sky divers jumping out of the plane from my yard. When their parachutes open, it is so pretty. It is all differant colors, and the parachuters jump suit matches his parachute. I love birds, mainly my two turtle doves, because they don't bite---hehehe. I also like dogs. We have a beagle named Lady. She is a real good watch dog. I also like long haired cats. Their hair, if taken care of properly is soft and shiney. I like taking walks in the early evening, after the sun sets. I like going to the Mississippi river front to sit and watch the barges going up and down the river. I loved being a Cub Scout Den Leader. I was a leader for two years and recieved several awards, along with my son. My youngest son, now 13, has been in Scouts since he was 7. I like to listen to the St. Louis Cardinal's baseball games and I pay real close attention when Mark Mcgwire is up to bat. He's my favorite player. My most favorite thing was when we got the webtv. It will be a year the middle March 1999. And I have met alot of nice people and friends on the web, plus I have alot of web SISTERS that are very loving and caring towards me, like a real sister. A web MOM, DESTINY117, that is like a real MOM to me. I will always think of her as my MOM. I also have a web brother that is so sweet and kind to help me with my web site. Miniman and Flash thank you so very much for all you are doing to help me with my website. You both will always be a big part of my web family...........


Since I am such aHUGESt.Louis Cardinal fan (especially Mark Mcgwire),I have included a special page for them.

Mark Mcgwire

I can't stand to be around braggers, liars, know it alls, back biters or back stabbers, trouble makers, disrespectful, and dishonest people. I've found, that if you are a bragger, you don't know half of what you bragged about. If you are a know it all, you don't know half of what you think you know. If you are a liar, your lies will catch up with you sooner or later. If you are a back biter or stabber, then you had better watch who you tell. It will always get back to the person that is being talked about. If you are a trouble maker you like to create or make trouble for others around you. If you are disrespectful toward others you have no respect for yourself. And lastly, if you are dishonest, sooner or later no one will believe a word you say. I was always told, if you can't say something nice, keep your mouth closed.

I have many links to other things on the web and to my sister sites at talkcity.
Make your selection from the list below to be transported to a whole world of interesting and informative things.


This page would not be what it is if it weren't for a very special person named MiniMan I want to thank you so very much for all your help. You will never be forgotten.
Over the few weeks we have been puting my website together I have taken to you as if you were my web brother. I will always think of you as a brother and Flash-happy as a web sister. Thank you Flash-happy for your help as well as your husband's help.

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