u n i n t e n t i o n a l o r a n g e j u i c e

so i drove away from everything familiar to me today 
only to have forgotten something a good ways down the road 
contemplating the value 
i contemplated turning around 
or continuing on the road 
which i have noticed has tendencies 
to run ahead of you 
appearing to be forming before you 
as light hits the unseen indentions 
i slowed down 
thirteen miles towards leaving 
to regain something not so important 
maybe just to put off fate for a while 
so i turn down this road so familiar to me 
holding a cigarette between my lips 
searching for a lighter 
bringing my eyes back to the road 
brings you back into my view 
as you pass by me one last time 
and i think maybe it was just the remnants 
of that previous embrace 
but the fragrance i know so well 
seemed to slide off of your skin 
into my car 
as you passed