A policeman found her crying in the Park.
He asked her if she had been raped.
She said "yes".
A man had grabbed her in the Park and she could not remember anything else.
Luke was nervous. He regretted what he had done.
To make matters worse Luke's partner Roy was picked up as a suspect in the case.
Laura cleared him by giving a phony discription of her atacker.
This discription did not implicate Luke .
Laura had feelings of guilt over the rape and this put a strain on her already stormy relationship with Scotty.
Still Laura insisted on keeping her job at the Disco!
The situation there was tense, and confusing for both of them.
Overhearing that Luke was in trouble over the planed "hit " on Mitch Williams .Laura told Luke"I will not stand by and see you hurt..I'd like to be your friend!".
The resons for Laura's actions during this time have never been fully explored.....Maybe one day Laura will reveal her reasons for protecting Luke.

Her actions left Luke thinking that maybe he still had a chance with the girl of his dreams.


Laura managed to delay Luke on the night of the "hit" saving his life.
While Roy was killed.
The pressure of working with Luke became overwhelming, and more then once Laura "quit" only to change her mind and stay.
Laura continued to profess her love for Scotty but seemed to spend all of her time at the Disco.
Luke feeling that he was getting nowhere in his relationship with Laura began to date Jennifer Smith .Daughter of crime lord Frank Smith.
As with most things these day's Laura's reaction was confusing at best.
Was she jealous?

LAURA:What am I going to do with you?
LUKE: Have me stuffed. I make a fine trophy. You caught me fair and square.
LAURA: It seems to me that you should be on Jennifer's wall more than mine.
LUKE: Jennifer didn't catch me. I walked in and gave myself up.
LAURA: I just can't stand to see the two of you ogether.
LUKE: Wait a minute. Am I dreaming here. I don't want to move too fast. I don't want to wake up... hold it.. what? What did you say?
LAURA: I don't know. I just probably feel that way out of guilt. I just can't stand the thought of you marrying a girl that you don't love because of me... because you want to protect me. That's wrong Luke.
LUKE: I'd rather believe that it bothers you because you care about me the way a woman cares about a man...
LAURA: No Luke...
LUKE: Is that possible?
LAURA: No. I just hate the thought of your marrying Jennifer. I just can't stand to see the two of you together!

Luke was to marry Jennifer to save Laura!
Laura had become locked in the closet of Luke's office and overheard some mob business.
Frank Smith found out and ordered Laura killed unless...Luke married Jennifer.
During a sailboat ride Laura had admitted to Luke that she loved him and asked him to make love to her.
Luke responded by telling her.. "Now go home to Scotty and tell him that night at the Disco was rape".
Laura now more confused then ever wrote a letter to Luke to set him free.
This letter sounded much more like a love letter then a letter of release.
Scotty found the letter on the day of Luke's Wedding.
Now knowing who raped his wife Scotty set out to get Luke!
Luke had a plan to deal with Frank Smith to protect him and release him from the Wedding.
To secure this Luke had photographed Franks "Little Black Book".
The book was in code Luke had not cracked it yet but still confronted Smith.
Smith countered with"You walk out on this wedding and you are a dead man!"

If Frank Smith did not kill Luke .
Scotty would!
Leaping aboard the Yacht, Scotty and Luke engaged in a bitter fight ending when Scotty punched Luke overboard!
Laura had made her way to the dock to try to stop Scotty and was stunned when a hand came out of the water!
Luke was alive and needed her help!
"Get me out of here,Laura. This is our chance!"
Knowing that Scotty now thought she was a tramp. Luara accepted!

The adventure of a lifetime had begun

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