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Christian Peace cpw Witness for Iraq

Lutherans were among thousands in worship and witness for an end of the war and occupation of Iraq on Friday, March 7, at noon! Lutherans and LPF are among a dozen denominations (list below) who organized a worship service for the ecumenical "Christian Peace Witness for Iraq" on Friday, March 7. Check their website for future actions.

Rev. Conrad Braaten, Senior Pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation will be assisting at the Capitol Hill Presbyterian service at noon. Following the service, we'll join others from services around the District as we process to an interfaith, nonviolent witness and public action at Upper Senate Park.

This witness for peace will be supported by vigils and services around the U.S. (see web listing). The Washington DC procession and witness will also feature the dramatic visual of "10,000 feet of hope" (see below).

You can learn more and register online for workshops, worship, and witness, at Come be inspired to continue your work for peace as you gather with thousands of others for worship, witness, and learning (as well as a coffeehouse in the evening). Your presence will speak the importance of peace to a country gripped by powerlessness and despair about the continuing horror of this war. Join the throngs! … 206.720.0313 …


1. Imagine 10,000 feet of hope!

Dr. King reminded us that we are all "caught in an inescapable web of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly." All of us are wounded by the war in Iraq, and we must work together to end it.

Whether or not you can come to Washington in March you can be part of the web of resistance by offering a strand of hope.

Here's how: send or bring to Washington a six-foot length of light rope (multi-colored easy-tie clothesline is ideal). Attach to the rope ribbons or bands of cloth with your own hopes for a peaceful Iraq, your own prayers for peace, your own definitions of peace. Imagine something like Buddhist prayer flags.

Leave a foot at each end of your length of rope (so they can be tied together) and fill the remaining four feet. Please keep the ribbons or bands of cloth or prayer flags to two feet or shorter (so they can be carried without touching the ground), and whatever width you like (keep in mind that onlookers will want to be able read your hopes and prayers).

Let our common longing for peace bind us together in hope.
Imagine 10,000 feet of hope!

Send your piece (to arrive by March 4) to:
10,000 Feet of Hope, c/o Clarendon Presbyterian Church
1305 N. Jackson St., Arlington, VA 22201

2. CPWI March 7 Worship Highlights by denomination:

Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, Executive Minister of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention will be leading in worship at Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church.
Bishop Martin Holley will preside at the Mass at St. Aloysius Church. Following the mass Joshua Casteel, a member of Catholic Peace Fellowship and a conscientious objector who has traveled to Rome and met with Vatican officials, including Pope Benedict XVI, and Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM, who has just returned from visiting Iraqi refugees in Syria and Lebanon, will both speak. Fr. Joe Nangle will participate in the Interfaith Witness at the Capitol and read a 'Letter from Prison' written by Fr. Louis Vitale.
Church of the Brethren:
Church of the Brethren will host a worship service at 337 N. Carolina Ave., SE, with Rev. Phil Jones leading worship and Mennonite Pastor J. Daryl Byler preaching. The service will be in the style of the Taize ecumenical community.
Cliff Kindy, from the Church of the Brethren, will be the Witness for War at Capitol Hill Presbyterian, speaking about his experience in Iraq with Christian Peace Witness.
Church of the Brethren is also taking leadership of the "Healing the Troops" workshop both Thursday evening and Friday morning. The program Welcome Home, which comes from the Church of the Brethren, will be sponsoring that workshop.
Service at Christ Church, with Canon Michael Battle, preaching and Rev. Dr. Judith Davis celebrating the Eucharist. Noah Baker Merrill will be the war witness, who has worked directly with Iraqi refugees in Jordan and Syria through the American Friends Service Committee.
Rev. Conrad Braaten, Senior Pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation will be assisting at the Capitol Hill Presbyterian service at noon.
Rev. J. Daryl Byler, one of the Mennonite Central Committee's Regional Representatives for Jordan, Palestine, Iraq and Iran will be preaching at Church of the Brethren. Rev. Cynthia Lapp will lead Mennonite Hymn Singing at Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, where Ron Byler will be leading in worship.
Mennonite Central Committee is the leader of the workshop on Escalating Diplomacy: A new foreign policy towards Iran, which will take place Thursday evening and Friday morning.
Methodist (UMC):
Rev. Sharon Delgado, a United Methodist clergywoman, dynamic preacher, author, theologian and activist, will be preaching at Church of the Reformation;
Jim Winkler will be leading in worship (service tba) and participating in the Interfaith program at the Capitol.
Rev. Mark Lomax will be preaching at Lincoln Temple UCC for a gospel service.
Rev. Beth Pyles (who has served with Christian Peacemaker Team in Iraq) will be the witness of war at Church of the Brethren, where Daryl Byler, a Mennonite who now lives in Jordan, will preach and the service will include Taize music.
Vernon Broyles and Rick Ufford Chase will lead in worship (service tba).
2 Presbyterian Churches are hosting services:
New York Avenue Presbyterian will host the emergent service with their pastor Rev. Roger Gench officiating at communion; and Capitol Hill Presbyterian will host a service with Rev. Susan B. Thistlethwaite preaching with their pastor Rev. Andrew Walton officiating for Communion.
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Fellowship is primarily responsible for the workshop Pledge to Seek Peace.
Quakers will host a Meeting at the Washington Friends Meeting with Peter Lems of AFSC speaking. AFSC is also the leader of the workshop on Nightmare Beyond Borders: The Iraqi Displacement Crisis and what can be done to stop it. Witness of War Noah Baker Merrill of AFSC will speak at the Christ Episcopal Church service, and AFSC Iraqi political analyst, Raed Jarrar, will be the War Witness at Lincoln Temple UCC.
United Church of Christ:
Rev. Susan B. Thistlethwaite, president of Chicago Seminary, will be preaching at Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church;
Rev. Graylan Hagler will be preaching at Church of the Reformation.
Lincoln Temple UCC will be hosting a service, with Senior Pastor Rev. Nathan Harris leading in worship.

This list will be updated as new information comes in at the cpwi web site.
Learn more and register online for workshops, worship, and witness, at Come be inspired to continue your work for peace as you gather with thousands of others for worship, witness, and learning.


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