Great Lyrics Archive - Red Hot Chili Peppers... Get Red Hot Chili Peppers, Video and Music!

Cover of Californication CD!
Reunited with producer Rick Rubin and guitarist John Frusciante (both of whom were on board for the 1991's breakthrough Blood Sugar Sex Magik), the Chili Peppers waste no time in burying their last effort, the so-so One Hot Minute. Californication's kickoff cut, "Around the World," swaggers around the room, reacquainting itself with old fans and welcoming new ones. Fuzzy Hendrix vibes and popcorn bass lines still rule the roost, along with a heaping helping of disco magic and some unexpected twists. Ten years ago, Anthony Kiedis and company wouldn't have been comfortable doing revamped new wave ("Parallel Universe") or unpretentious ballads (the acoustic "Road Trippin'"), but such material fits Californication's extra-wide canvas. Except for a few meandering numbers that could have been excised, the Red Hot Chili Peppers succeed and regain their footing on the mountain of adrenalized funk. --Jason Josephes
Click here for Californication CD at 30% off!

Cover of Funk Monks (2000) DVD
Great RHCP documentary. Songs Include: Suck My Kiss, Funky Monks, Sikamikanico, Sir Psycho Sexy, Fela's Cock, Breaking the Girl, Mellow Ship Slinky in B Major, Soul to Squeeze, Give It Away, Apache Rose Peacock, They're Red Hot, My Lovely Man, Under the Bridge... High quality. New. Must have!
Click here for Funky Monks (2000) DVD at incredible 30% off.

You may click here for all of the Peppers



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