Sounds Baby!


baby.wav (103K)

Austin Powers: C'mon baby! Work with me people, alright! Show me love! (camera clicks) Great Baby! Yeah!

angry.wav (125K)

Dr. Evil: That makes me angry, and when Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset.  And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset....people DIE!!!

burtbach.wav (204K)

Austin Powers: Ladies and gentlemen...Mr. Burt Bacharach.  (Song begins to play)

captlism.wav (147K)

Basil Expedition: The cold war is over!
Austin Powers: Well!  Finally those capitalistic pigs will pay for their crimes, eh? Eh comrades?  Eh?
Basil Expedition: Austin....we won.
Austin Powers: Oh, groovy, smashing!  Yea capitalism!

1million.wav (419K)

Dr. Evil: Here's the plan.  We get the warhead, and we hold the world ransomed for.....One MILLION DOLLARS!!
No.2: Ahem...well, don't you think we should maybe ask for *more* than a million dollars?  I mean, a million dollars isn't exactly a lot of money these days.   Virtucon alone makes over nine billion dollars a year!
Dr. Evil: Really?
No.2: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Evil: That's a number.  Okay then.  We hold the world ransom for.....One hundred..BILLION DOLLARS!!

animals.wav (106K)

Scott: I like animals...maybe I'd be a vet!
Dr. Evil: An *evil* vet?
Scott: No!  Maybe, like, work in a petting zoo.
Dr. Evil: An *evil* petting zoo?
Scott: You always do that!!!

bigboy.wav (130K)

Radar Man: Well, it appears to be in the shape of a Big Boy!
Commander Gilmour: Good God!  He's back!
Radar Man: Well, in many ways, the Big Boy never left, sir.  He's always offered the same high-quality meals at competitive prices.
Commander Gilmour: Shutup!

beavbutt.wav (78K)
No, this is not a's actually in the movie! 

Beavis: Check it out, Butthead.  This chick has three boobs!   Heh-heh-m-heh! Yeah!
Butthead: Huh-huh...How many butts does she have?

alotta.wav (162K)

No.2: This is my Italian confidential secretary.  Her name is Alotta.   Alotta Fagina.
Austin Powers: Come again?
Alotta Fagina: Alotta Fagina.
Austin Powers: Ahh, I'm sorry, I'm just not getting it.  It sounded like you said your name was 'a lot of'....uhhh, nevermind!

charms.wav (386K)

Scott: They're always after me lucky charms!  (Everyone snickers at him)   What?  Why does everyone laugh when I say that?  They *ARE* after me lucky charms!!  What??
Frau Farbissma: It's a television commercial!  With this cartoon leprechaun!  And all of these children are trying to chase him...Hey leprechaun!    Leprechaun!  We want to get your lucky charms!  Haha!  Oh, and there's all these little tiny bits of marshmallow just stuck right in the cereal so that when the kids eat then, they think, "Oh this is candy!  I'm having fun!"

behave.wav (73K)

Austin Powers: Oh, behave! Yeah, yeah baby, yeah!

behave2.wav (19K)

Austin Powers: Oh Behave!

deadlist.wav (101K)

Austin Powers: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to my underground lair. I have gathered here before me the world's deadliest assasins.

bitehard.wav (34K)

Austin Powers: I won't bite....hard.

death.wav (61K)

Dr. Evil: I'm going to place them in an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death.

dipping.wav (43K)

Dr. Evil: Alright, guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism.

meowmix.wav (59K)

Dr. Evil: I want chicken!  I want liver!  Meow-mix, Meow-mix, please deliver!

scrotum.wav (67K)

Dr. Evil: There's nothing quite like a shorn scrotum...It's breathtaking...I suggest you try it!

needinfo.wav (61K)

Dr. Evil: Throw me a frickin' bone here!  I'm the boss!  Need the info!

failure.wav (56K)

Dr. Evil: Let this be a reminder to you all that this organization will not tolerate failure.

royal.wav (359K)

Dr. Evil: As you know, the Royal family of Britain are the wealthiest land owners in the world.  Either the Royal family pays us an exorbitant amount of money, or we make it seem that Prince Charles has had an affair outside of marrigae, and therefore.....would have to divorce!
No. 2:  Prince Charles *did* have an affair, he admitted it, and they are now divorced.
Dr. Evil: Right, people.  You have to tell me these things, alright?!   I've been frozen for thirty years, OKAAAY??

getarise.wav (43K)

Austin Powers: I'm just trying to get a rise out of you, that's all!   For shits and giggles!

nerdalrt.wav (12K)

Austin Powers: NERD ALERT!

getnhere.wav (62K)

Austin Powers: How did this get in here?  Somebody's pulling a prank on me!  Honestly, it's not mine!

jet.wav (47K)

Austin Powers: When you see this jet-a-rockin', don't come-a-knockin' baby!   Yeah!

cold.wav (11K)

Austin Powers: Is it cold in here?

contrare.wav (44K)

Austin Powers: Au contrare, baby! I think you can't resist me!

yourturn.wav (81K)

Alotta Fagina: How dare you break wind before me!
Austin Powers:
I'm sorry, baby, I didn't know it was your turn!  Hahaha!

danger.wav (37K)

Austin Powers: Austin Powers...danger's my middle name.

fembots.wav (72K)

Fembots: (Repeats like echo) Hello, Mr. Powers....Care to have a little fun?

sworld.wav (40K)

Austin Powers: No actually...I, ah, I have to save the world.

great.wav (23K)

Austin Powers: Great baby, Yeah!

washup.wav (151K)

Austin Powers: Shall we shag now, or shall we shag later?  How do you like to do it?  Do you like to washup first?  You know, top and tails...whores bath?  Personally before I'm on the job, I like to give my  undercarriage a bit of a how's your father!

groovy.wav (25K)

Austin Powers: Oh, groovy, baby!

hello.wav (20K)

Austin Powers: Hello, hello!

love.wav (10K)

Austin Powers: Show me love!

ozone.wav (426K)

Dr. Evil: Back in the 60's, I developed a weather changing machine which was in essence a sophisticated heat beam which we called a 'laser.'  Using these 'lasers' we'd punch a hole in the protective layer around the world which we called the 'ozone' layer.  Slowly but surely ultraviolet rays would pour in,  increasing the risk for skin cancer, that is...unless the world pays us a hefty ransom?
No. 2:
Ahem....that also already has happened.
Dr. Evil:

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