Mak's Data Store

Here you will find all the bits of data that I refer to on my Shadowrun page.

It is broken down into a number of headings,

NB:This page was not designed to be read top-bottom, you can but it does get a bit long.


Corp Section

Talbot Security Vehicles. (#17 J)

This place is listed in the Seattle Sourcebook p99, and was further developed as one of my
characters (a rigger) had worked there and kept the manager as a contact.

Seattle Sourcebook lists,

1601 Davis Avenue South
Randall Talbot, Owner
No racial bias
LTG# 16026 (40-7880)

For 20 years this company has been modifying cars, making them faster ,better-handling,
and able to withstand armed assaults.Talbots customers range from trukers who have to
travel at night to little old ladies who want their cars to be strong enough to run
go-gangers off the road.
Recent rumors suggest that the company is about to unveil thier first origonal design
vehicle. Codenamed "Road Hog" the car is intended to replace the aging Chrysler-Nissan
Patrol-1 as the country's top gang-buster.The company is set to give a demonstration
to Lone Star officials in late september.

To bring the company upto date, I decided that Lone Star did reject the Road Hog but
kept the company 'on the books' for mods & repares to Lone Star vehicles, whilst Talbot
kept toying with the idea of having another go at an orgional design.

I added these detials, using Sprawl sites as a guide.


Owner; Randall Talbot
Use Mechanic (srun p208), Drop Aircraft (B/R),
Add Etiquette (Corp)-4, Etiquette (Law)-4, Negotiation -4

Use Mechanic (srun p208), Drop Aircraft (B/R),
Add Ground Vehicles (B/R)-6

Use Corp guard (srun p205)

Typical Customer;
Truckers and others needing to deal with go-gangers, or just plain Hot Rodders


  Security;  OR-7
  Access;     12
  Control;    10
  Index;      11
  Files;      13
  Slave;      10
Secrity Sheaf:

  5  -  Probe  -7
  8  -  Trap Trace  -7/9
 12  -  Passive Alert
 15  -  Sparky  -9
 19  -  Tar Pit  -7
 24  -  Active Alert
 27  -  Blaster Expert Offence  9(+2)
 30  -  Shutdown

This level of computer security is due to the records showing what 'some' people have had done to their vehicle and the companies connections to Lone Star.

The new vehicle design Road Hog 3, is now undergoing extensive testing, ( The Road Hog 2 was just a design prototype )
It has been designed to have the 'legs' to chase down most things, it also is armed to deal with direct methods of capture.


Magic Section

Starting Initiates.

This section is based upon my groups descussion on alowing starting characters to be Initiates. At first nobody tried it, but due to another rule we use, that if you can find it in print me as the GM will let it work for us.
The question about the starting initiates come about as one of the players found on old White Wolf magazine, in which there was an article writen by Berin Kinsman on some new Totems. One of which was Bat, below is how it appered then;

(I may also at some point list the others he designed including, Armodillo, Badger, Beaver, Buffalo, Deer, Dolphin, Fox, Frog, Horse, Lizard, Mouse, Opossum, Otter, Skunk, Squrrel, Swan, Turtle and Weasel.
Mail me if you want a specific one soon.)

Bat Characteristics
To the ancient Aztech, Toltec, and Mayan peoples, Bat was a symbol of death and rebirth. He shrouds himself in mystery, keeping his own agenda. Bat is similar to Snake in many ways in that he knows many secrets, and provides good council, but asks a very high price for his services.
Anywhere, Urban or Wilderness.
As Urban, +2D for counjuring Spirits of Man.
As Wilderness, +2D for counjuring Spirits of the Land.
Both, also +2D for Detection & +2D for Healing Spells.
Bat is strictly nocturnal, add +1 to all TN# during daylight.
Bat also requires a Shaman to undergo a gruelling daeth and rebirth. As result of this, all Bat Shamans begin as level 0 Initiates. Subtract 1 from Body & Willpower.These attributes can be regained by using Karma to raise them.

I had to workout if this Totem was a game wrecker or not,
The first thing that needed clearing up was the 'daylight' statment, one player thought it was supposed to mean when in 'daylight',but I thought that it would be better rendered as 'during daylight hours', ie 6am - 6pm for ease of use.

Then came the fun bit (you can probably tell I was leaving this till last.)
Level 0 Initation for -1 Body & -1 Willpower.
First of all I have always allowed starting charaters to be part of a magic group, by paying 3 times the monthly sub during character generation, so the Initiation would be a group one. But none of the rules to date alow loss of a mental characteristic as part of a ordeal to ease Initation, at the time I let it stand.
I looked at this after the release of the Shadowrun companion, using BP's as a base cost for both for both a level 0 Initiation and two attribute points.
Lv 0 Initiation (-group w/ordeal)
=( 6+0 ) X ( 2 - .5 )
=9 Karma points =9 Force points =4.5 Build points = 5 Build Points

-1 Body & -1 Willpower =2Bp's + 2Bp's =4 Build Points

As these come out close I decided to let them stand.

I also looked at the flaws list trying to find an alternative to allowing -1 Willpower during the ordeal. I decided upon Color Blind, although only a 1 Bp flaw I felt that the balance still stood.

Therefore the final Bat Totem for my group is,

Anywhere, Urban or Wilderness.
As Urban, +2D for counjuring Spirits of Man.
As Wilderness, +2D for counjuring Spirits of the Land.
Both, also +2D for Detection & +2D for Healing Spells.
Bat is strictly nocturnal, add +1 to all TN# during daylight hours ( 6 am - 6pm )
Bat also requires a Shaman to undergo a gruelling daeth and rebirth. As result of this, all Bat Shamans begin as level 0 Initiates. Lv 0 Initiation, Group w/ordeal - Asceticism ( -1 Body ) Color Blind ( Flaw )

But now SR3 had landed...
No Bat Totem yet, currently stands as above.


Character Section

Here you will find my characters with background and also I have found two good looking character sheets as I visted sites on th Net, both of which you can see here, one is a good one for showing you character on the Net the other closer to a full playing sheet.

Here is the full playing sheet, thanks to Mike Hartmann.
The other one is here from the NERPS list.