Cold Crash

"Personal log, Captain BJ recording. We're on a cargo run to the colony on Theta Aurigae IV. To make up time we are passing through a region of space so far unexplored. I hope it's worth it. End log."

"Now this is odd." says Rif. "I'm picking up a very faint distress signal coming from a Federation ship. But it's out of date."

"How so?" says BJ

"It's over a hundred years old. 'To any ship in the area, this is the T.F.S. Enterprise requesting assistance. We have crash landed on an unknown planet and are marooned. Do not know how long we can stay alive. We will continue this broadcast on all frequencies.'".

"Enterprise?" says Miles "The last ship named Enterprise before the Dreadnaught was an experimental vessel."

"I've heard of that." says Tundra "It was the testbed for a new faster mode of SpaceDrive. The entire Hepheastus Class were testbeds for various new techmologies."

"How many ships were there?" says Raven

"Only three" says Tundra "The Hepheastus, Enterprise and Phoenix."

"Where did the distress call originate?" says BJ

"The system known as Omega Trianguli." says Leroy "It was explored by the Levy XII probe last year but Space Fleet still hasn't sent an expedition out yet."

"Should we take a look?" says Miles

"Affirmative." says BJ "Change course Miles."

"Yes sir."

Later Steven, Mrr'tas and Maverick have entered the bridge as the Strayer assumes orbit around the 4th planet.

"Mr. Leroy?" says BJ

"Omega Trianguli IV. It's an ice world. We'll need winter gear down there. The temperature is around -20 degrees. I've found the Enterprise. It seems to be half embedded in an ice shelf."

"So what's so special about a lost ship?" says Mrr'tas

"This isn't just any ship Mrr'tas" says Tundra "This is a legend. The T.F.S. Enterprise was the testbed for an experimental SpaceDrive system. There was a lot riding on this. She took off from Altair III and was lost on all sensor tracks a day later. No one knew what happened to her."

"And the other two ships?" says Rif.

"The Phoenix was also testing a new SpaceDrive. But she barely left the system when she exploded. And the Hepheastus was fitted with a regular SpaceDrive and retired 10 years later. She's now in the Fleet Museum in the Groombridge system."

"So who's going to take a look?" says Steven

"Myself" says BJ "Tundra, Miles and Maverick."

"Can I come along also?" says Mrr'tas

"You want to come?" says Maverick

"Sure. This might be interesting."

"Your with us." says BJ "DeFalco, your in command."

"Yes sir."


Omega Trianguli IV. A featureless ball of snow with a feezing wind cutting over the surface. In this area 5 figures beam down dressed in extreme winter gear. One of them takes out a scanner and points in a direction. They all trudge along in the cold. Finally they come across it. The T.F.S. Enterprise protrudes from an ice shelf at a slight angle, ice and snow all around. They come across one of the docking ports and break up the ice surounding it then force the door open. They get inside then close the door behind them and remove their parka hoods and goggles. Nearby is the frozen body of one of the crew.

"Let's head for the bridge." says BJ "If it's still there."

"This is interesting." says Maverick "He didn't die from the cold, he died from head trauma. They must have hit the surface extremely hard."

"We can find out on the bridge" says BJ "Let's go."

The bridge of the Enterprise. Several consoles look like they've been damaged but the ship is remarkable preserved. The bodies of the crew litter the deck. Maverick shines his light on one of the crewmen laying on his side.

"Captain Alexander Cochrane." says Maverick

"A very distinguished man during his time." says Tundra "He commanded the missions that explored the Rojab and Marconis systems. A very experienced tactitian also."

"This must be the first officer." says Miles.

"Correct." says Tundra "Commander Susan Harachi. Considered Space Fleet royalty at the time. Both her parents were influential admirals."

"Let's skip the biography lessons." says BJ "Maverick, lets try to find out what happened."

"You got it."

"You've been quiet for some time Mrr'tas." says Miles

"I don't really know what to say. just sad. They're familes never knew what happened to them. Kzatti are very family oriented."

"All right!" says Maverick "I got some logs running."

One of the screens comes to life and Captain Cochrane is seen.

"Captain's Log, May 2, 2249 Captain Alexander Cochrane commanding. This is my first log entry as Captain of the T.F.S. Enterprise. Fleet Admiral Logan Savage came out to personally congradulate me on getting the post. Tomorrow we start the test on the new SpaceDrive. Hopefully it will go off without a hitch."

"Captain's Log, May 3, 2249. This is it. The test begins in a few minutes. I can't tell you how excited I am. Today we make history."

"Can you play what happened during the flight?" says BJ

"Yes, the bridge camera caught everything." says Maverick


"Lieutenant Parker full SpeedDrive." says Cochrane.

"Aye Captain. We are clear."

"Ready the new SpaceDrive."

"At your command Captain."


The ship lurches slightly as the new Drive is activated.

"Drive 5" reports an officer. "Drive 7, Drive 8, Drive 9, Drive 9.95!"

"Were doing it!" exclaims Parker.

The ship lurches violently suddenly knocking some crew off their feet.

"Report!" shouts Cochrane

"Captain it isn't working! Were going to fast!" reports the sensor operator "Were out of Federation Space now!"

"Shut it down Mr. Parker!"

"I can't!"


"Daniels here."

"Mr. Daniels shut it down!"

"I've been trying sir. I may have to di it manually!"

"You do that and we could get killed!" says Harachi.

"No other choice Commander!"

"Do it Mr. Daniels!"

The ship rocks hard knocking them off their feet. One cremember literally flies out of his seat and lands hard on the floor.

"Ahh! My arm!"

"Hang in their son!" says Cochrane

"Were out Captain" says Parker "But were out of control!"

"I'm reading a planet close by!" says sensors "Maybe we can land there!"

"Do it Parker!"

"Yes sir!"

"All hands brace for impact!"


The Enterprise breaks through the clouds going at breakneck speed towards the surface. She slams into the snow taking some of the ship off in the crash, bounces then slams down again and slides hard into the ice shelf.


"C-Captain Log M-may 4, 2-2249. M-most of the crew is d-dead f-from the impact. The ext-treme c-cold is k-kiling us one by one. I am b-broadc-casting a cont-tinuous distress call. To anyone who f-finds this please remember us. Tell S-space Fleet what happened. This is Captain Alexander Cochrane sighing off."

The Wildcards have watched the last entry of Captain Cochrane. Raven is near tears.

"Rest in peace Captain." she whispers.

"I have a message from Space Fleet Command." says Rif "The Salvage and Towing ship T.F.S. Migatuas is coming to bring the ship back."

BJ gives him an odd look.

"You heard me." says Rif "There is a ship called the Migatuas."

"Figures they would send that one." says BJ. "All right, were done here. Let's head out. Miles set our original course."

"Yes sir."

The End