Jumping Mirrors Pt 2: Preparations

They suddenly find themselves standing on the main promenade of the station.

"About time you got them to come."

They all turn towards the voice. Tim London walks up to them. BJ, Miles and Tundra are shocked to see him.

"Sorry it took so long Tim" says Arctic "But their here now and willing to help us."

"Tim London" says Miles "I never thought we'd see you again."

"Do we know each other?"

"Of course." says Miles "Me, BJ, Tundra, Leroy and Rif here were part of your Space Marine squad over 15 years ago."

"Really? What happened to your Tim? Wait, don't tell me, he's dead."

They shift around nervously.

"That's what I thought."

"So what's your position here?" says Rif

"I'm the new chief of security here."

"Now then" says Arctic "We need you to get to your spots and prepare for the task force. BJ, DeFalco, Miles, come with me. I'm going to show you the ship you'll be using. The rest of you will be part of the security detail if the station is boarded."

"So who commands this station all together?" says BJ

"I do."

"Thought so."


Docking stations. At the docking port is a sleek looking small warship that looks very similar to the Corregidor Class.

"We managed to procure it from one of the Alliance's shipyards" says Arctic. "The Defiant is state of the art with heavy weaponry that can smash a cruiser to bits, disable a battleship and cripple a warcruiser enough so that it can't fight."

"Warcruiser?" says BJ "That have warcruisers coming?"

"Just one."

"That's a relief."

"I suggest you familiarize yourselves with the ship. Your crew is already aboard."


Holding cell area. Silver and Beowulf walk in. Two humans stand guard here with laser rifles. The mirror Outlaw is standing behind the forcefield in one of the cells.

"Just who the blazes are you?" says Outlaw

"I'm Silver, this is Beowulf."

"Beowulf. I remember an operative in the rebellion with the same name before the KH Military takeover in the 21st Century."

"What happened to him?" says Beowulf

"He was executed, by me. You see when the KH Military came I saw who was winning and switched sides. I told them where to find your rebel group and had them all killed. And three of the group survived and I had to execute all of them. They were named Beowulf, Greystone and Hawk."

Their eyes go wide with shock.

"What's the matter gentlemen? Shocked by my behavior? Don't be. I've been executing humans for centuries. And I can't be killed for it because I'm immortal."

He starts laughing. Silver and Beowulf decide to leave.

"You can't keep me here forever! I'll kill all of you as well! You hear me?! Your all dead!"

Outside in the promenade Silver and Beowulf stop and shakily sit down on a bench.

"I can't believe what he said" says Silver "This Outlaw is truly evil. Not even Cooper Graves was this bad."

"Coming from you that's quite a revelation."

"Spirit of Geronimo, Beowulf I never thought I'd say this but he has to die."

"I know. I've never really been scared my whole life but he chilled me to the core."

Another part of the station. Mrr'tas, Rif and Leroy are with the Kzatti who have defected.

"This is a little odd for me" says one Kzatti "The Mrr'tas I know is a Mistress in the Kzatti Empire and to be blunt ma'am....she's a slut."

"Really? She must be as bad as Mistress Raven then."


"What made you decide to defect?" says Rif

"She was the reason. I couldn't stand being around her. She's depraved even for a Kzatti. Some of us can't even stand to look at her."

"I see." says Mrr'tas "Well, I hope we can count on you to help us fight this task force."

"Count on us ma'am."


Station command center. Arctic, Tundra and Maverick are hear with several others manning consoles.

"So, how come you renamed it Striker's Station?" says Maverick "Is it because of my ancestor?"

"That's right" says Arctic "You see in this universe Gerard Voster a.k.a. Striker is considered a hero by the rebellion. After the supervillians were defeated the KH Military rose up out of nowhere. He planned an attack at the KH's main base in Greenland with what forces he had. Striker made it into the throne room of then Supreme General Stalker and shot him. But with his dying breath Stalker activated a 2 second self destruct mechanism taking him, Striker the base and both their forces up in a giant mushroom cloud. The Battle of Greenland was the costlies battle in Earth history up to that time in terms of lives. Striker became a hero to anyone wanting to be free."

"How sad." says Tundra

"I know, but were doing what we can to be free again."

"Any chance we could talk together in private." says Tundra "I'd really like to talk to you."

"Of course."

to be continued....