The Forgotten Pack Pt 1: Contact

"It's confirmed sir, our sun will go nova in about a year."

"Are the communications devices we still have operational?"

"Barely sir. I'm not sure anyone will hear us. We're too far out."

"Send the message anyway. We must preserve what we've built or we'll all die."

"All 100,000 of us? Whoever answers will be hard pressed to evacuate us."

"Just do it."

"Very well. This is New Shepherd Colony to any vessel, please respond."


On the bridge of the Strayer Rif turns in his chair to BJ

"I'm getting a communications from a system outside Federation space."

"Can you trace it?"

"It's coming from the Rho Puppis system. BJ, that systems sun is supposed to go nova in about a year."

"Miles, set course. Whoever they are they need our help."

"Yes sir."

"It's clearing now." says Rif "Audio only."

"This is New Shepherd Colony to any vessel, please respond."

"New Shepherd?" says Raven

"Never heard of it." says BJ

"Please respond to our hail. We must be evacuated from our planet before our sun goes nova. This is New Shepherd Colony to any vessel, please respond."

"The message repeats." says Rif

"Any vessel's reported missing in the area?" says BJ

"None." says Tundra

"I think I know what this is." says Miles "I heard about this years ago. New Shepherd Colony was the name of a secret project the Space Rovers were conducting. Taking animals other than dogs and cats and mutating them to see if they could become productive citizens."

"What kind of animals?" says BJ

"You name it: Horses, deer, raccoons."

"Rif, open a channel on their frequency. 'This is the Terran Federation Ship Strayer to New Shepherd Colony. We read you and are coming to your aid.' Let Admiral Keogh know about this also."

"You got it."

"What's this about other animals being mutated?"

Tim London walks in.

"In my universe the KH Empire used the most viscious animals and turned them into soldiers. Raccoons? Deer? They were also used and pumped with drugs to make sure they obeyed their masters."

"The Space Rovers did nothing like that." says Miles "They improved on the transdogmafier and used it on them. But the ship those particular Space Rovers used disappeared. The S.R.S. Iditerod left New Shepherd Colony to get another shipment of animals but disappeared en route. It's still a mystery what happened. Were entering the system." says Miles

"The signal is originating on the 5th planet." says Rif

"I read at least 100,000 humanoids down there." says Leroy

"100,000?!" says Raven "It'll take months to evacuate them all."

"We might as well say hello so long as were here." says BJ

"Channel open."

"This is Captain BJ of the T.F.S. Strayer. We have come in response to your hail."

"Thank the Makers! We didn't know if anyone would answer us so quickly. Tell me, is Earth all right?"

"Alive and prospering. To who am I speaking to?"

"First Minister Thomas, head of the Ruling Council. Is your ship able to land Captain? I would like to meet face to face."

"We can do better than that. We can beam a small party down to you."


"Is there a clearing near your council house?"

"Yes. I'm sending you the coordinates."

"We got 'em." says Leroy

"We will come down immidiatly First Minister. BJ out. Raven, Steven, Tundra, Maverick your with me. Miles your in command"


A small square in front of the council building. First Minister Thomas waits at the entrance of the building. He resembles an anthropomorphic clydsdale horse. With him is a wolverine in a special uniform. This is Constable Aspen. BJ and his crew beam down in front of them. Passersby can't help but halt in their tracks and watch. Thomas walks up to them and extends a three fingered hand.

"Greetings. I am First Minister Thomas."

BJ shakes his hand.

"Captain BJ of the T.F.S. Strayer. This is my first officer and wife Raven, my chief engineer Steven DeFalco, weapons and security Tundra and Maverick."

Thomas sees Steven and can't help but stare.

"A human. You have no idea how long we've waited to see your kind. Please, step inside. We have much to catch up on."


"Oh yes. This is our head of security Constable Aspen."


Inside the main hall a long wooden table with five chairs sits at the front with audience chairs lined up in front. The four other members of the council are already there. Thomas, Aspen and the Wildcards walk in. Thomas sits down at the middle seat.

"From my left to right may I introduce Minister Phil."

An anthro rabbit stands and nods.

"Minister Brian."

A raccoon does the same.

"Minister John."

A deer does the same.

"And Minister Eric."

An otter morph.

"This is Captain BJ and his crew."

"Welcome to New Shepherd Colony Captain." says Phil

to be continued....