The Forgotten Pack Pt 2: The Search

"We are grateful you responded to our hails so quickly captain." says Thomas

"We're lucky we caught them."

"So tell me First Minister" says Maverick "How did this colony come to be?"

"Sometime around the beginning of Earth's 21st Century the Space Rovers set up a colony here at New Shepherd in secret. We were at the time the farthest out colony ever established, farther even than Wolf 359. They took animals from Earth and planted us here. They then used what they called the Transanifier to make us human. We soon began prospering on our own and the S.R.S. Iditerod left to let Earth know how we were doing. We soon got a distress call from the ship that ended ubruptly and we've been here ever since."

"Humans were only legends to us." says John "Furless being who were the dominate species of Earth. And now we have one in our midsts."

"Am I everything you thought I was?" says Steven

"And more."

"There is something we need to urgently discuss." says Eric.

"I haven't forgotten." says Thomas "Can you evacuate us before our sun goes nova?"

"We put in a call to TF Central when we got the call. It may be a while before we hear anything."

"Tell me, is your ship one of exploration?" says Brian

"Partially. Were mostly a freelance cargo runner. I'm in charge of our team we've named the Wildcards."

"I would very much like to see your vessel." says Thomas

"That can be arranged.

"Miles to BJ."

"Go ahead."

"Admiral Keogh wishes to speak to you right away."

"I'll be right there. Standby. We'll be back in a while Minister."

"Plead our case to him. We must be evacuated from here."

"Of course. Miles, energize."


"100,000?! It could take months to evacuate them all.

"Still, they need our help Admiral. We must save them."

"Agreed. I'm having all available bulk cargo carriers converted for this job. Have they decided where they want to resettle yet?"

"No. I barely had a chance to speak with them before you called."

"Well get on it. And when your done there I have another job for you: find out what happened to the Iditerod."

"Aye admiral."

"Keogh out."


"I'm afriad not Captain, we don't have very sophisticated equipment to see into the sky. Maybe if you let me aboard your ship we could find a suitable planet to resettle."

"Aren't you needed here to organize the evacuation?"

"Constable Aspen can see to it. I wish to see your vessel in person. We are several hundred years out of date and I would like to catch up."

"First Minister are you sure you want to leave at such a critical time?" says Aspen

"I have absolute faith in you constable. Just make sure everyone is ready to evacuate."

"Yes Minister."


First Minister Thomas walks onto the bridge of the Strayer and is awed by what he see's.


"First Minister Thomas, this is the rest of my crew. Miles, Rif, Leroy, Mrr'tas and Tim London."

Thomas stares in Mrr'tas' direction.

"Mrr'tas? That is not an Earth name. What species are you?"

"Kzatti, and I'm not from Earth. I'm from what used to be the Kzatti Empire."

Thomas looks at BJ with a confused look.

"Long story Minister. She can fill you in later. First, we need to find you a new suitable home. Steven, do we still have that sensor pod in the cargo bay?"

"Of course, but it's Kzatti War surplus, out of date."

"It's still usable anyway, get started. Leroy?"

"The nearest system from here is in unexplored space, known as Alpha Monocerotis."

"How about something a little closer inside our borders hmm?"

"The nearest system from hear with a habitable planet is at least three days away in the Tau Carinae system."

"Alpha Monocerotis sounds good to me." says Thomas "I wouldn't want to put you out of your way."

"This is your future were discussing Minister. I really don't think it matters."

"Still, lets start with the nearest one."

"As you wish. Miles, set course."

"Aye sir."


"Approaching the Alpha Monocerotis system." says Miles

"Slow to SpeedDrive. Leroy, what have you got?"

"6 planets, 4 of them gas giants. Planet 5 has an atmosphere similar to Mars. It can be terraformed but it would take too long."

"And the other?" says Thomas

"Sorry minister. Planet 3 is a desert world. Temperatures in excess of 200 degrees fahrenheit."

"Tau Carinae it is then." says Thomas.

"You heard the horse Miles."

"Setting course."


Strayer mess hall. Thomas, Mrr'tas and Tim are here.

"BJ says we should be there within the hour." says Tim

"Thank you." says Thomas "So, what happened after your world was lost?"

"We were hunted like animals throughout known space." says Mrr'tas "The Cutani would not let up. Revenge for all the frustration we gave them. But last year the Terran Federation decided to grant us sanctuary in their space, even though we started the war with them."

"Were the Kzatti always vicious?"

"For 800 years the Kzatti Empire ruled with an iron fist and dealt in terror. We got what we deserved."

"Not unlike the Kzatti Empire from where I come from." says Tim

"How's that?" says Thomas

"Tim here is from another dimension where the Kzatti Empire formed an alliance with another empire called the KH."

"The KH Military?"

Mrr'tas and Tim exchange startled glances.

"You heard of them?"

"Only in stories the Space Rovers told us about. The Road Rover organization was doing it's best to stop them according to the Iditerod crew. Whatever became of the KH on this side?"

"This is BJ to Thomas, report to the bridge please."


"Tau Carinae First Minister. Leroy?"

8 planets, 3 of them gas giants. Planets 2, 3, and 5 are Earth like planets with no indigious life. Take your pick Minister, you got plenty of choices here."


"Rif, contact Admiral Keogh. We have found a new home for the Forgotten Pack."

"Yes sir."

"The Forgotten Pack? It suits us." says Thomas "Thank you captain."

The End