The Chase Pt 2: Freedom

In a fog Mrr'tas wakes up. She notices she's tied down to a chair and in a small room. Jutak walks in.

"Well little kat. Did you think you'd escape me forever?"

"What do you want from me Jutak?"

"Your head mounted on my wall!"

"This has to be illegal. Jutak is this really necessary?!"

"Your kind deserves to be wiped out for all the atrocites it committed! I had family who died in our species original war."

"Your kind has become just as bad as ours used to be! Your hunting us like animals Jutak. This isn't right."

Jutak backhands her across the face.

"Don't talk to me about what's right! Right isn't slaughting entire races just because your Grand High General gets killed in an accident!

"That was years ago! Were under the Federations protection now!"

"The Federation is made up of fools! They take sympathy on you when you deserve none!"

The room suddenly shakes as if from a hit. He goes to a wall communicator.

"What's going on!"

"A Federation Runner has just fired on us sir. It's Captain BJ's ship!"

Jutak swears in his native language.

"I'll be right there."

He turns to Mrr'tas and releases her but leaving her hands tied behind her.

"Come on! BJ's going to regret this!"

Onboard the Strayer.

"Fire another shot Tundra!" says BJ.

"Yes sir."

"The other ship is powering up weapons." says Leroy.

"Incoming communications." says Rif

"Let's have it."

"Captain BJ, what is the meaning of this?"

"I cannot allow you to hurt that girl. Return her now Jutak."

"Never. The Kzatti deserve what they're getting!

"Fire all weapons Tundra!"

"Yes sir!"

In space, the Strayer opens fire with all three forward lasers they hit dead on the Cutani runner. On Jutak's bridge, a console in the back is smoking.

"Return fire!" yells Jutak

"Weapon's offline sir."

Mrr'tas begins to disappear in a transporter haze.

"Stop them!"

"It's too late sir."

On the Strayer, Mrr'tas appears on the bridge transporter.

"You were willing to save me Captain." says Mrr'tas "Why?"

"Because you don't deserve what the Cutani are doing."

"Jutak has one laser operation BJ." says Leroy

"Full speed out of here Miles."

"Yes sir."

The ship rocks slightly from a pot shot from Jutak.

"I'm reading another ship coming in." says Leroy

"Ours or theirs?" says BJ

"It's.....a Kzatti Runner."


"They are hailing us." says Rif.

"On screen."

"Captain BJ, this is Commander Kri'kar. We are here to help you out. Let us take out that Cutani hunter."

"Your welcome to him." says BJ.

On Jutak's ship they watch as the Kzatti runner takes aim.

"On no!" says Jutak "No this isn't fair!"

The Kzatti ship opens fire.


The ship is engulfed in fire as it explodes. On the Strayer again.

"Kri'kar is hailing again." says Rif

Captain BJ, our thanks for saving one of our citizens. Now please return her.

"Actually commander I wish to stay." says Mrr'tas "I owe Captain BJ a debt for saving my life."

"Your staying?" says BJ.

"Yes. I can forgive the death of my brother but not forget."

"Of course."

"As you wish Mrr'tas, but you will never be safe from the Cutani."

"Captain BJ and his crew will protect me."

*Very well. Gra'Tak Mrr'tas.*

"Gra'tak commander."

The End