Brothers Keeper Pt 1: Memories

"Incoming message from Admiral Trout."

"Trout? Head of Federation security? On screen."

"Captain BJ, greetings to you."

"Likewise admiral. What can I do for you?"

"There is an individual that you know that we need found and brought in for questioning. He is wanted on a number of charges."

"We're not bounty hunters admiral. You should give this mission to the Maddogs."

"Normally I would but I think you'll agree that this is a special case. I'm sending you all available data on the mission."

"As you wish admiral."

"Good. Trout out."

"Let's have a look at this special case."

The main screen shifts to show a cano-sapien. His fur is a patchwork of black and grey. BJ's jaw drops when he see's the picture.

"No. Not him."

"Who is he BJ?" asks Miles

"My brother AJ."

All the Wildcards turn and stare at BJ in shock


Viking City, Mars. Many years ago. This part of town is run down and dirty.

"AJ! AJ!"

A younger version of BJ, approximatly 6 or 8 runs down a street holding a limp arm.

"AJ help me!"

Out of one of the run down houses comes AJ, roughly 12 or so. BJ stops in front of AJ and sobs in pain.

"Stop crying! What happened?"

"That human bully Gertz broke my arm! I need your bone knitter."

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing! He called me a freak AJ! He said we shouldn't even be around now that Earth is peaceful. Please AJ, this hurts!"

"Stop crying you baby. I told you to stay away from him."


"All right, all right. I'll get the bone knitter."



"What do you want freak?"

AJ punches him right in the face and goes down hard.

"Don't ever call our kind freaks again. And if you hurt my brother again I'll kill you."

"Oh, like one lucky punch is gonna stop me."

AJ takes out a knife and points it at Gertz. He does the same. They circle each other.

"You oughta know better than to muscle in on me!"

"Were not muscleing in on anything! But you need to be taught a lesson!"

AJ swings his knife and catches Gertz in the arm.

"Get him AJ!" shouts BJ "Cut his throat!"

"Shut up you little freak!"

AJ roundhouse kicks Gertz and he's knocked off his feet. AJ scrambles down to him and places his knife on Gertz's neck.

"Do it." says Gertz "Make your ancestors spin in their graves!"

AJ cut's Gert'z cheek then gets up.

"Come on BJ, let's go."



"You could have killed him you know." says BJ

"Killing is bad BJ. Besides I don't think he'll bother us again. Were the Migatua Bros. We don't need anybody."

"I remember mom and dad talking about that. Our---what was the word---ancesters? Were big time hero's."

"They're dead BJ. And so are mom and dad! Don't even discus either of them!"

"But AJ."

"No buts. Not another word!"

BJ looks away with a sad look.

"What now?"

"Why can't I talk about mom and dad? They loved us."

"So did I. But this isn't the time."

"When then?"

"I'll let you know when."


"After our parents died AJ was the only one who raised me."

"You never mentioned you had a brother." says Raven

"You never asked."

"Do the Maddogs know?" asks Miles



In the past. Outside their run down home AJ and BJ are practicing with wooden swords.

"Your getting better BJ. Remember that Cutani Raka's have serated edges to increase the damage. When your old enough I'll teach you how to use one."


"Now then, come at me!"


In another part of town some months later. AJ is staying back as BJ fights with another cano-sapien. BJ knocks him to the ground then knocks him out. He takes out a meat stick from the other sapien's pocket, takes a bite out and walks to AJ.

"Good work little bro. You showed him."


"Come on. We need to talk."

"About what?"

They start walking.

"I just got a job working on a freighter. I'm going to be gone a long time."

"What? But AJ, you said you'd take care of me!"

"What did I tell you about whining and complaining?"

"AJ, please don't leave me!"

"It's a job little bro. We all need one."

"You once told me that we have to look out for each other."

"Your old enough to take care of yourself now. I'll send you some money packets when I get paid."

"I don't want your money, I want you!"


"Fine! Abandon me for all I care! Go gallop among the stars."

"BJ I'm not going to argue with you."

"Just go away!"

BJ runs off sobbing.


"I really resented him leaving me like that."

"Did you ever see him again?" says Tundra


"And now we have to bring him in." says Miles

"That's right. Miles, set course for Zertin V, half space drive."

to be continued....