
"Intelligence reports that the Yuva'zag have left Amadine and are even leaving New Fr'delia."

T.F.S. Merrimack. Captain Reeves is talking to Admiral Keogh in his office.

"Admiral Rex and his task force are following them as they retreat. Also, Captain Outlaw reports that he and the Maddogs are being drawn by the Yuva'zag retreat."

"Being drawn?"

"Yes sir. They can't explain it but will update us at the next opportunity."

"The Wildcards?"

"On board the Striker with Admiral Rex."


"Are you continuing hails?" says Rex

"Yes sir, on all frequencies. No responce."

"We're nearing the edge of known Kzatti space Admiral. Do you want to turn back?"

"Negative. Continue following them."


On board the dreadnaught Enterprise Outlaw and BJ are on the bridge watching the main screen.

"What are they up too anyway?" says BJ

"Not a clue. But I'm getting a feeling from somewhere beyond that fleet."

The rest of the Maddogs are standing around the bridge.

"Have you felt this before?" says Saphire

"I believe I have." says Outlaw "When the Immortal Gem struck us during our mission to Dallas to recapture Cooper Graves. It talked to me and I get the feeling that it's creators are calling to us."

"Are you serious?" says BJ


"That mission was over 300 years ago." says Beowulf.

"Time means nothing to the Immortal Gems." says Outlaw.

BJ and Outlaw's crew looks at him in confusion.


"Bridge to Captain Outlaw."

"Go ahead."

"The Yuva'zag are orbiting a planet ahead of us. I think that want to make their stand."

"I'll be right there."



"Their just sitting there sir."

"I'm reading overloads in all their power reactors!"

"All of them?"


"This is Admiral Rex to all ships, back away!"

As if in a chain reaction, every ship explodes leaving the planet below.

"I'm getting a message from the planet, text only."

"Let's have it."

"'Please come down and I will explain everything.'"

"Rex to Outlaw."

"Go ahead Admiral."

"I believe this is your show now. Your in charge of the mission down there."

"Thank you admiral. Have the shuttle bay ready our ship. BJ, gather a couple of your people with you, your coming with us."


Shuttle bay. The Maddogs Runner vessel U.S.S. Whitney stand ready for tackoff. The Maddogs themselves are ready to board. BJ, Steven, Mrr'tas and Maverick walk into the bay with Raven.

"Don't worry about me Raven. I'll be fine."

"It's not you I'm worried about it's what you might find down there."

"Ya'll comin or what?" says Beowulf


Their ship has landed in what looks like a court yard of a long dead and decaying city.

"This way." says Outlaw

"How do you know?" says Mrr'tas.

"Call it a hunch."

They walk into a crumbling building and take positions. An elevator dings not too far away and opens. It's in amazingly good shape.

"Come on."

The elevator goes down into the bowels of the building. It stops and lets them off at what looks like a control room. A single large chair dominates the room in front of a large screen showing the task force in orbit. The chair swivels to reveal a Yuva'zag of an aged nature.

"Welcome to my home."

He presses a buttom on his chair and Outlaw shakes his head as if to clear it.

"You brought us here for some reason. What do you want?"

"To apologize for what my people have done. We were not a violent race. We simply lost out way. We were called the Yuvana. My name is Tsanta."

"What do you mean were?" says BJ

"Before our war with the Kzatti we were an intelligent and knowledgable race. They devastated our world and scattered us."

"Sounds familiar." says Mrr'tas

"We had to preserve our most precious technology. So we hid it on another world which you found two of your years ago."

"I'Talli V!" says Outlaw

"That means you know about the Immortal Gems." says Wesley.

Tsanta smiles

"Know about them? My boy, we created them."

Shocked gasps and murmers go around. Tsanta points to another door.

"In there is a repository of knowledge dating back several millenia. I am the caretaker of all of it."

"If you people are so special then why did you attack the Federation?" says BJ

"Like I said, we lost our way. I am the last of my species alive."

"Then who were all those aliens attacking us?" says BJ

"Clones." says Maverick "Genetically engineer creatures."

"Correct. My only companion created them himself and called himself emporer."

"I personally destroyed the mother ship." says BJ.

"I know, thank you."

"I'm curious, how old are you?" says Saphire.

"Over 10,000 years. We created the Immortal Gems so it's natural that we used them ourselves. Go inside there. A repository full of the knowledge gained by my people. But some may take advantage and use it for their own purposes. That it why I have set our sun to go nova in six hours. You can have the schematics to help you in life but you may not have any more Immortal Gems. That knowledge must be destroyed."

"I understand." says Outlaw. "Well gentlemen?"

Wesley and Steven walk in and start downloading information.

"Oh, this stuff is amazing!" says Steven

"I've been working on a problem such as this and it falls into my lap!" says Wesley.

Hours later they are gathered near the ship. Tsanta is with them.

"Why don't you come with us?" says Outlaw.

"Thank you no. My race's time is over. Yours must take over. Good bye my friends."

He turns around and head back into the building.

From the bridge of the Striker a safe distance away the sun goes nova destroying the knowledge of the Yuvana.

"Contact Admiral Keogh."


"...and with the destruction of the Yuva'zag fleet the president has declared the war over as of 10:15 pm GST September 22, 2372. They were actually quite an advanced race who had 'lost their way' over the years. A vast repository of knowledge was discovered and will obviously take years to catalog. This is Ari Dirk of TFN."

The End