My Enemy, My Ally Pt 1: Refugees

Coranis. The Wildcards are inside a hanger where the new and improved Strayer is. Wesley Hawk joins them.

"I think your going to like these new upgrades I gave to your ship. Better shields, new laser arrays and two laser turrets. One top, one bottom, to be operated manually or by remote. Upgraded torpedo launchers, and best of all, a brand new hyperdrive. No more of this SpaceDrive stuff. The Hyperdrives are being installed into our dreadnaught ships. She's faster now and eaiser to keep working, so you shouldn't have a problem. So, you going to test it out?"

"Oh, I love the upgrades Wesley!" says BJ

"Good, and we'll get a chance to test it too." says Maverick "Admiral Keogh has told me that the listening post on D'eelo III has been picking up some strange activity. And since now this is the fastest ship in the Federation, he wants us to take a look."

"What? Has the wormhole been reopened?" says Miles

"That's what were going to figure out." says Maverick.

"Fine. Stations everyone." says BJ.

"So who mans the laser turrets?" says Tundra.

"I'll handle that." says Tim.

"So will I." says Mrr'tas.

"Let's get going troops." says BJ "Miles, set a course."



"Whoo-hoo! I love this hyperdrive!" shouts Steven


"Aproaching the D'eelo system." says Miles.


"Hmm. Some very odd readings. I can't make heads or tails of it."

Maverick looks over his shoulder.

"A transwarp conduit. Those are supposed to be theory."

"A what?" says BJ

"A Cutani scientist theorized about travel at Transwarp speeds. Dr. Kij Mato tried to experiment with one about 50 years ago and failed. Supposedly you can go even faster than hyperdrive with transwarp."

"How do you know so much about it?" says BJ

"I keep up with all the latest science jounrnals."

"Great. I hearby make you our chief science officer."

"Gee, thanks."

"Readings going crazy!" says Leroy "They're off the scale!"

"Move us away Miles!"

"Something's coming through!"

What comes through are two ships attached together. They both have the KH Empire logo on them!

"Red alert! Battlestations!"

Tim and Mrr'tas head for their laser turrets.

"Laser turret A, armed and ready." says Tim

"Laser turret B, armed and ready." says Mrr'tas

"All weapons on line and ready." says Tundra

"They're hailing us." says Rif

"On screen."

A female grey wolf-sapien appears on the screen.

"We mean you no harm. I am Miranda, formerly princess of the KH Empire. My crew are scientists and doctors trying to escape the turmoil that has engulfed our galaxy. This ship is a medical corvette, we have no weapons. The ship attched to us is a police cruiser, lightly armed. We have come to ask asylum in the Terran Federation."

"This is Captain BJ of the T.F.S. Strayer, we will....consider your request. We have all weapons locked on to you. If you or your companion ship try anything, we will not hesitate to fire."

"Rif, contact Admiral Keogh." says Maverick

"Now see here Maverick! I'm in command here!"

"As of now I'm in charge of the mission. Rif, do what I say."

"Just who do you think you are mixed breed?!" shouts BJ

"Like you should talk. Ever hear of Section 13?"

"Aren't they supposed to be a myth?" says Miles "They're supposed to be part of the internal security force."

"Section 13 is no myth. I am very high up in it's chain of command. And Colonel Maverick orders you to do what I say."

"I suggest we listen to him BJ." says Miles "I've heard stories about this group, and they don't like people crossing them."

"Fine. Rif, let me talk to Miranda again."

"Captain please. Time is short. There are forces you don't know about that are moving against your Federation!"

"Let's have it Ms Miranda. What turmoil?"

"It's a long story."

"I'm all ears."

"After the disaster at the wormhole, Emperor Stalker went back to his quarters in a daze. My brother Stealth then revealed his deception. That's when General Trigger vaporized him. Stalker was so enraged that he attacked Trigger and they were both vaporized in the struggle. Malcolm, our finanial backer, took over as Emporer but was assassinated six months later. The Empire began to crumble all around us. A race from our galaxy known as the Ninith, started a campaign to rid their galaxy of the "foul creatures" and started a genocidal war against us. Entire planets were destroyed just to get a few of us! We were no match for them. They use organic technology in their ships and are very powerful. Please, you must grant us asylum. They plan to invade the Milky Way as soon as their done there and destroy our point of origin."


"Yes. Please, you have to help us. There are only a few of us left! You were the ones to seal the wormhole. Now you have an obligation to help us escape those bulbous headed creatures. You must Captain! For the sake of all life, you must!"

to be continued....