My Enemy, My Ally Pt 2: Tunnels

D'eelo system. The superdreadnaught Striker is here. The Strayer and the two KH refugee ships are in the dreadnaught's hangar bay. In a conference room Striker's captain, Benjamin Steel, the Wildcards, Miranda, a couple of the wolf-sapien scientists and Corporal Twilight, in charge of the police cruiser are here talking. Miranda is explaining the situation to Maverick and Captain Steel.

"Tell me about these Ninith Princess Miranda." says Maverick

"You can drop the princess title, the KH Empire doesn't exist anymore. Ms Miranda will do fine. When we encountered them they controled a quarter of the galaxy. We fought them in a very fierce war that nearly drained our rescources. But a strike at their homeworld finally convinced them to see our side. They surrendered and promised not to attack us if we promised to leave them alone. That's all they wanted."

"But they were waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike at us." says Twilight

"The corporal here was the one who helped us get through. Our ship has only minimal shields while their's is a little more powerful."

"Can you tell us what these Ninith look like." says Steel

Miranda inserts a disk and a picture comes up on the screen. They have dark eyes, black skin, bulbous heads with viens showing. Their arms and legs are very thin with three digits.

"They use organic technology in their ships. As you can see they have no mouths to speak of. They communicate telepathically."

"How do you know they're going to attack us?" says Maverick

"They have been building a generator than can create transwarp conduits. We managed to sneak through but just barely, we then damaged it as we went through. No telling how long it will take for them to fix it. If they're not stopped they'll kill us all! We have to shut it down."

"I agree Ms Miranda, but how?" says Steel.

"That's where my team of scientists comes in. They're the best minds in any galaxy."


"We don't have that much time captain."

"Let's get to work then."


In a galley on board the Striker, Twilight and some of his wolves are eating and talking among themselves. The Wildcards are here as well on the other side of the room.

"What do ya think?" says one "As soon as the conduits closed we take over this ship."

"And do what?" says Twilight

"Create another KH Empire. With this ship we could go to Earth and sieze control of----"

A crashing of plates and trays is heard. Tim London has grabbed the wolf-sapien that was talking and is holding a pistol to his head.


"Tim! Let him go!" says BJ

"Did you hear what this furball was talking about?! He wants to create another KH Empire! I won't have it!"

"You won't have it?" says Twilight "Just who do you think you are?"

"He's from another dimension where Earth and our galaxy is ruled by the KH/Kzatti Alliance."

"The who?"

"My people." says Mrr'tas.

"I spent my entire life as a slave to those monsters! I will not have the same mistake happen here. If I hear talk like this again I'll kill you all!"

"I'm sorry!" says the wolf he's holding.

"No your not! Your all alike. Once you've created an empire, you can't let it go! Your dead, dog!"

"Tim stop!"

"Don't you understand?! They're going to start over again!"

"We have no intention of that." says Twilight.

"Tim, let him go, and I mean right now! Wesley has informed me that your dimension crossing device has been fixed. He gave it to me if you ever betrayed us or do something stupid like you are now. If you don't let him go, I will send you back to where you came from and let the Alliance have their way with you."

"You wouldn't!"

"Don't try me mister!"

Tim is obviously disturbed by this. He lets the wolf go and drops him weapon.

"Good." says BJ "Your hearby confined to quarters on the Strayer and will stay there until this matter is closed. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

Miles goes up to BJ as soon as Tim's out the room.

"I thought Wesley said the device was unfixable."

"He did. I was bluffing."

"Whew! Nice bluff."

"Thank you."

"Captain BJ" says Twilight "I apologize for what my crewman was saying. Some are so fiercly loyal that they don't want to see the Empire crumble. But I say enough fighting."

"Very wise corporal."

"Do you suppose there's a place for me in your SpaceFleet?"

"You'd have to ask Admiral Keogh about that."


"The only way we can be sure it's shut down is go ourselves." says Miranda "This ship is very powerful and can destroy the generator."

"Are you sure that's wise?" says Steel

"Your the only option we have Captain. Please."

"Very well. Lieutenant, tell admiral Keogh that we'll need some reinforcements."

"What do you have in mind, sir?"

"A carrier and it's fighter compliment, a couple battleships and enough destroyers to screen."

"Yes sir."

to be continued....