Blast From the Past Pt 2: First Blood

Kzatt Prime. The Wildcards ship lands in the middle of what once was the palace square. Bomb holes litter the area, every building is leveled and the sky is an ugly brown with a wind that never ceases. A hatch at the front opens and the Wildcards step out wearing breather masks.

"All right" says BJ "Miles, Tundra, Mrr'tas and Maverick, let's go. The rest of you guard the ship."

"From what?" says Steven

They head towards what once was the palace building. They find an elevator that's still usable and take the ride down. All the while Mrr'tas has a sad look.

"You all right?" says Miles

"Should I be?" says Mrr'tas "This was the Kzatti homeworld, the capital of the Empire for over 800 years. What's to be sad about?"

"I realize this may sound hollow to you" says Maverick "but you have my sympathies. The Kzatti were an honorable race, even if they were brutal killers."

"Oh gee thanks." says Mrr'tas

"Oh no really." says Maverick "I watched some of your rituals when I was here and your race seemed like a very noble one."

"Thank you."

They reach the bottom most level.

"All right now be careful." says Maverick "There are rumors that Kzatti Tir'ka's roam these lower levels."

"Tir'ka's?" says BJ

"Think of them as the Kzatti version of Tigers." says Mrr'tas "Extremely vicious."


Out in space a Corregidor Class ship is traveling through the void. Painted on the hull is the name T.F.S. Vortex. On the bridge Captain Tony Watts surveys his bridge crew. The sensor operator reports.

"We are approaching the D'eelo system Captain."

"Slow to half speed." says Watts "Any KH vessels out there Mr. Collins?"

"Sadly yes. And..oh no. It's headed our way."

"On screen."

What they see shocks them.

"Sweet Jesus!" exclaims the first officer, Commander Farley. "That thing makes a Kzatti battleship look like a Runner!"

"According to the Intellegence reports it's a KH Warcruiser." says Collins

"Helm, lay in a course strait at that ship, weapons, fire at any target of opportunity. I want to scrap some paint off that thing!"

"We're no match for them!" says Collins.

"I'm in command." says Watts "Mr. Shelby, engage."

"Aye sir."


"Look out!"

A Kzatti Tir'ka lunges at them. It has dusty brown fur with black stripes, green evil eyes and 6 inch fangs.

"I'll handle this." says Mrr'tas.

"You'll what?!" says Miles

"All Kzatti had to perform a ritual killing before becoming an adult. Tir'ka's were the primary prey."

"How many have you killed?" says BJ.

"None actually. But I was taught how by my uncle. Go!"

As the others continue Mrr'tas unsheaths her claws and roars as loud as she can. The Tir'ka returns the roar and they both lunge for each other. With the others, they've found what they're looking for.

"Excellant." says Maverick. "Now then let's see if we can find what we need."

He begins to tap certain controls on the keyboard.


The bridge of the Vortex is in shambles. Farley and several other crewmen are dead.

"Our weapons didn't even scratch them sir!" says Collins.

"Lay in a new course!" says Watts "Head for their engines and prepare----

The floor in front of Watts explodes and he collapses to the floor, dead.

"Uhh, Mr. Shelby get us out of here!" says Collins.

"I've lost helm control!"



The Vortex is hit several times and both weapons and helm consoles explode. Collins looks around with dismay. He works his controls and leaves the bridge. The abandon ship alarm blares.

"Abandon ship. Abandon ship. This is no drill."

In space the Vortex is one beat up ship. Escape pods jettison from the ship but are picked off one by one from the KH Warcrusier. As the Vortex explodes only one manages to escape using the explosion as a cover.


Back with the Wildcards. Maverick is still working the controls. Mrr'tas has rejoined them. Her hands and muzzle are covered in blood.

"You all right?" says Miles

"I'm fine, just some scratches."

"What did you do" says Tundra "Drink it's blood or something?"

"Actually, that was a requirement in the ritual."

They all look sick.

"I got it!" says Maverick. "The KH Empire's dealings and negotiations with the Kzatti Empire. I've downloaded it onto the recorder disk. Let's go."

Some time later back on Nadeu III, the Wildcards, the Maddogs and Admiral Keogh are back in the same room.

"Take a look at this Admiral." says Maverick "A KH Empire ambassador signed a secret treaty with the Kzatti Emperor. In it it says that the Kzatti Empire go to war with the Federation to test our strength and then the KH would decide when to attack."

"My word." says Keogh "The Kzatti started the war against us because they KH Empire told them too?"


"I can't believe my people would agree to that." says Mrr'tas.

"Only the Emperor and certain generals knew about this treaty." says Maerick "If the Kzatti Empire had defeated the Federation, the KH Empire would come in after an unspecified time and take over. The Kzatti Empire would join the KH Empire, then the KH would finish the job the Kzatti started and erradicate Earth's population and claim it for themselves as the capital of the KH Empire in the Milky Way."

"The Zandar and the Cutani won't stand for the KH Empire actions." says Outlaw "I've spoken secretly with their ambassadors and they're willing to help us just like when they helped us during the war."

"From what I can gather the Cutani are nearly equal to the KH Empire in firepower." says Wesley

"And a fleet of Cutani ships is headed here" says Keogh "Along with out 1st and 2nd fleets. Also, I should point out that one of our ships engaged a KH Warcruiser near the D'eelo system. The Corregidor Class T.F.S. Vortex. They were soundly beaten."

"Any survivors?" says BJ

"Only one."

" not going to be pretty." says Outlaw.

to be continued.....