Blast From the Past Pt 3: Let the Games Begin

Nadeu III, situation room. Admiral Keogh, the Maddogs, the Wildcards and Stealth are here. Numerous techs are doing various duties.

"Have you gotten anything from the lone survivor?" says Keogh

"Nothing" says a tech "He's still in shock."

"All right, thank you Ensign."

"It was a Warcruiser they encountered." says Stealth "No doubt about it."

"Admiral Keogh" says another tech "The 1st and 2nd Fleets have entered the system."

"On screen."

The screen show numerous ship coming out of SpaceDrive. At the front are four newer, larger ships.

"What are those?" says Miles

"Gentlemen may I introduce to you the Excalibur Class Dreadnaught." says Keogh.

BJ does a wolf-whistle.

"Very impressive."

"I'm afraid I must take my leave of you Admiral" says Stealth "Someone is approaching my room."

He taps his forearm and then disappears.

"They don't call him Stealth for nothing." says Keogh

"I didn't know the Federation had Dreadnaughts." says Raven

"Just off the drydock. They're our trump card against the KH Empire." says Keogh


D'eelo III, General's Wing and Wolfeye enter a situation room of their own, Stealth is already there.

"Now then, as you can see the Federation is no match for us." says Wing "We will eliminate their fleet at Nadeu III and then proceed to Earth."

"BJ and Raven are mine of course." says Wolfeye.

"Is it really necessary to kill them?" says Stealth "From what I hear BJ hates being reminded of the fact that he's related---"

"I don't care!" shouts Wolfeye. "The descendants of Bear and Nitro must be eliminated! Then I will take my rightful place as Alpha of the Migatuas pack."

"What makes you think there still is a pack after all this time?"

Wolfeye looks up sharply at Stealth, growls and moves toward him, but Wing hold him back

"You little b******!" yells Wolfeye "If you weren't Stalker's son I'd kill you for even saying that!"

Stealth wags his finger at him and adopts a sing-song voice.

"Ohh, I wouldn't let my father hear you say that."

In anger Wolfeye hauks and spits at Stealth's feet.


"We have to prevent the KH Empire from bringing in all their forces through that wormhole." says Keogh

"A high explosive detonated inside should close it for good." says Wesley.

"And who's going to man such a suicide mission?" says Keogh.

They both look in the Wildcards direction.

"Oh no you don't!" says BJ "Absolutly not!"

"They'll ignore a small ship such as yours." says Wesley "You just need to plant it inside and then run like hell."

"I'll do it." says Miles.

"So will I." says Steven

"Me too." says Maverick

"Your not a member of this team!" says BJ.

"And I say he is." says Raven


"Look, we could use an extra pair of hands. And he was useful to us at Kzatt Prime."

BJ massages the bridge of his muzzle.

"Why me? Why is it always me?"

He looks back up.

"All right we'll do it, but this is going against my better judgement."

"Good man." says Keogh

"Let's get you the necessary explosive." says Wesley.

"Admiral Keogh" says another tech "The Cutani and Zandar fleets have arrived."

"Very well."

Outlaw notices something on one of the screens."

"Is that--?"

"The Yorktown?" says Keogh "That's correct."

"Open a channel." says Outlaw

Captain Robert Hood appears on the main screen.

"Bob! It's good to see you again."

*Same here sir. I was wondering if we'd get a chance to catch up.*

"Anytime my friend. I see they've placed the Yorktown with the best of the best."

*Always has been sir, always will be.*


D'eelo III situation room. A tech hands General Wing a padd.

"Two more fleets have joined the force massing at Nadeu III." says Wing

"What?!" says Wolfeye. "There are aliens living in this galaxy?"

"Of course there are aliens you idiot!" says Stealth "What do you think the Kzatti were?"

"A group of Parvo's Felo-Mutants who settled another planet some years ago."

Stealth can't help but guffaw.

"What are you laughing at?!" yells Wolfeye.

"I cannot believe how niave you are! I have been watching the Federation and the other aliens for 5 years now. Haven't you been paying attention to what's been going on, or has killing BJ and Raven been in your mind all this time?"

"They will not be problem." says another voice.

Into the room walks Tesla.

"They are no match for us. Those aliens will fall before us as well."

Stealth can only laugh as he walks out of the room.

"I'd like to blast that little jerk into atoms!" says Wolfeye.

"Save it." says Wing "Let's get to the ship and prepare."


"The Excalibur Class is the newest top of the line warship the Federation has." says Admiral Keogh

Keogh and the Maddogs look out of a shuttle window as they come up on one of the ships.

"I assume were going to the Exaclibur herself?" says Outlaw

"Exactly." says Keogh

"What are the names of the other three?" says Saphire

"Enterprise, Yamato and Sarajevo."

"So, who's in command of the Enterprise?"

"I thought I'd put you in charge."

Outlaw's face goes into complete shock.


"I'm honored sir!"


Bridge of the Dreadnaught T.F.S. Enterprise. Outlaw surveys the bridge around him. His first officer greets him.

"Welcome aboard Captain Outlaw. I'm Commander Barney Sheridan, your first officer."

"Thank you commander, Its good to be aboard."

"Admiral Keogh is hailing us sir." says the Communications officer.

"On screen." Outlaw and Barney say in unison. They share a look and Barney sits in his chair.

"All ships, this is Keogh. Let's move out."

In space, the fleet moves out of orbit and proceeds to the D'eelo system.

to be continued....