Split Personality

RRMC kitchen. The Rovers, Hubert and Maddogs are eating together.

"Delicious as always Shag." says Hunter

"Mmm! What is his secret?" says Wesley

"He cooks everything in toilet water."

Wesley groans in disgust, clatters his fork on the table and gets up to leave.

"Where you going?" says Beowulf

"I'm going into town to get something decent to eat."

Hunter intercept him at the entrance.

"Calm down, Hawk. I was kidding."

"You better be, mutt! That joke is getting old."

Both Wesley and Hunter go back to their meals.

"Is it really necessary to eat off the floor Hunter?" says Outlaw

"Hey, some habits die hard."

"A little too hard sometimes."

Silver suddenly doubles over in pain.


"Ooh! My insides feel like thir tearing apart! Ahh!"

Hubert takes out a scanner and looks him over.

"My word! Get him to the infirmary!"

Later in the infirmary, Silver is pacing the room. His legs and feet are now digitgrade instead of human.

"What's wrong with him?" says Outlaw

"His internal problems have stopped, but his outward appearance is changing. As you can see his lower extremities have taken on a more canine appearence. I think it's that liquid that transformed him. Now it's working him over."

"Why now?"

"My theory is that it's had time to flow through his system. If we don't do something in the next several hours, we may lose him."

"Will a pass through the Transdogmafier help?" says Master


Outlaw walks up to Silver.

"Keep that pace up buddy, and you'll wear a groove in the floor."

"I can't help it. You'd think I'd be in bed, but I feel like I just drank a dozen Mountain Dew's. What's happening to me?"

"Hubert says its that stuff that turned you into what you are now. It's having an effect on you."

"Can they fix it?"

"They're working on it."


In the Transdogmafier room, everyone waits anxiously as one of the machines goes through it's cycle. A painful yell is heard and then the cycle completes. When the smoke clears Silver steps out and Thomas Greystone is seen slumped on the floor. Silver finally notices.

"What the..?"

"I would not have predicted this." says Hunter

"Blimy!" says Colleen

"Ohh. What happened?" groans Tom

Hubert scans both of them. They double over in pain.

"They can't live without each other. If we don't get them together again, they'll both die."

"What are talking about?" groans Tom "Who is that coyote?"

"I think I'm you." says Silver

"Let's get working on the Transdogmafier professor." says Master

Several hours later, Tom and Silver are sitting, very weak, in transdogmafiers. An empty one is between them.

"Is this really necessary?" says Tom

"Let them work their magic big guy." says Outlaw

"Begin sequence." says Master

Both machines come to life and then stop, the middle one comes to life and an anguished scream is heard. The cycle ends and out staggers Silver.

"Oh man that hurt!"

"Your alive!" says Outlaw

"That's a matter of opinion. What's the prognosis doc?"

"Hmm. Except for your memories, there is no human DNA in you at all. It's as if Thomas Greystone was never here."

"So long as this doesn't happen again, I can live with it."

"Come on buddy" says Outlaw "Let's go into town, my treat."

The End