
Parking lot of Rosie's Restaurant. The Maddogs are here heading inside.

"Do we have to come here?" says Wesley "We can afford better."

"Show a little respect Wes." says Outlaw "Rosie used to be a bounty hunter herself."

"Fine, fine."

Later as a waitress takes their plates away they discuss potential bounties.

"No. I say George Vernon is a better choice." says Silver "He's done more nasty stuff."

"And I say that Jack Stills is a better choice because he's been spotted several counties away." says Beowulf

"What do you think Outlaw?" says Wesley

They notice Outlaw looking across the room to another Cano-Sapien. A female Husky with midnight black fur, white inside the ears, along the eyes, around the legs and hands, and around the muzzle down to the underside of her tail. She wears a tan jacket, red shirt, blue jeans, cowboy boots and a gun belt for her laser pistol. This is Saphire. Wesley snaps his fingers in front of Outlaw's face.

"Hello? Earth to Outlaw? Come in."

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help but notice. She's gorgious!"

"I've seen her before." says Beowulf "Her name is Saphire."

"Tell me about her."

"Well, she used to be a sled dog up in Alaska. She changed masters quite often. Her last one was another bounty hunter. He and the rest of her team were caught in an avalanche set by criminals; she was the only survivor. The Rovers found her and took her in. They sent her through the Transdogmafier and with their help captured the criminals. Now she's a bounty hunter herself."

"Why don't you ask her out?" says Silver

"I might do that."

They notice that Saphire is walking in their direction. She stops at their table.

"Hello Beowulf, long time no see."

"Same here. Saphire, I'd like you to meet---"

"Outlaw. I've heard about you. Human college student turned bounty hunter, a national hero in Malcoria...."

"It was nothing. Though I think they went a little overboard with the statue. I couldn't help but notice you. I think your beautiful."

"I'll bet you say that to all the girls." says Saphire

"Nope, your the first. I'd be honored to take you on a date sometime."

Thank you. Say, how 'bout showing me that house of yours in San Francisco"


As they walk out the door, Rosie come up to their table.

"So, Outlaw has a girlfriend now huh? Good for him. You know I can spot a couple a mile away even when they don't know about it."

"Oh get over yourself O'Neil!" kids Silver

"It's true!" says Rosie

"Riiiiight." says Wesley

Later that night as Rosie is closing the place up, she notices a figure in the dark. She gasps when she sees the figure, and it produces a weapon and fires.

San Francisco, Maddog residence. Outlaw and Saphire sit down on a couch.

"Very impressive house."

"Thanks. You know Beowulf neglected to mention one thing. What's your super power?"


"I knew it! You are an Angel."

Saphire giggles

"Oh stop it."

"Really. That's my nickname for you from now on, Angel."


They turn to see Reginald standing in the doorway.

"Excuse me sir, but a Mr. Charlie Grace on the monitor for you."

"Thank you Reginald."

"A butler too? I could get to like this!"

Outlaw turns on the monitor.

"What can I do for you Charlie?"

"Get down to the hospital here. It's urgent. Rosie's been shot."

Hospital. Rosie's room. The Maddogs, Saphire, Charlie Grace and Jack Nighthawk are here.

"I'm all right, really." says Rosie "I told the police that I didn't get a good look at the guy but I did. He was wearing a poorly made costume of you Outlaw."

"Me? Why?"

"I'm not sure. My guess is it's another bounty hunter with a grudge."

"Didn't you take a bounty away from Bo Chase some time ago?" says Jack

"Your right. He said that bounty hunter rules were too unfair."

"Finders keepers." says Rosie "Those are the rules."

"I knew he was angry but not this much." says Outlaw "Come on. Let's talk to him about it."

Bo's apartment. It looks run down, clothes and trash are everywhere. Bo goes to the door when he hears a knock and opens it. The Maddogs, Saphire, Charlie and Jack are in the doorway.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We need to talk." says Outlaw

"What's the matter Chase" says Jack "can't afford a better apartment? This place is a pigsty."

"I know. What do we need to talk about?"

"Are you still mad about us getting that bounty before you?"

"Mad? Why would I be? You got it first. Those are the rules."

"You were mighty furious at the time." says Charlie

"Look, what do you want from me?"

"How about telling us what this is?" says Saphire

Saphire holds up a poorly made costume of Outlaw.

"How did you....??"

"Cripes! I look nothing like that."

"I can explain, honest."

"Bo Chase, your under arres for attempted murder."

Jack takes out cuffs and leads him out.

"You had no right to take it from me!" shouts Bo "It was mine! I'll never forget this Outlaw! Never!"

Hospital, Rosie's room.

"So it was him." says Rosie "Bummer. First Travis, now him."

"Maybe we should form some kind of guild or union." says Outlaw

"Never happen." scoffs Charlie

"Maybe your right."

The End